JSIS Report to WECC PCC and OC


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Presentation transcript:

JSIS Report to WECC PCC and OC March 26, 2012 Dmitry Kosterev, BPA

WECC JSIS Meeting Held in Tempe, AZ on January 15-17 Hosted by Salt River Project Next meeting is in Salt Lake City in early June

NERC NERC Planning Committee approved scope of Synchronized Measurement Subcommittee (SMS) NERC is pulling out North-American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) by end of 2013 NASPI may continue under ERPI, DOE, no commitment yet NERC restarted work on PRC-002-2 Standard, including placement of Dynamic Data Recorders NERC MOD-B initiative to replace MOD-010-015 to address FERC directives

JSIS Key Activities – 1/3 Validation studies of July 4 2012 event Studies completed, report is up for approval Revise thermal governor recommendation Monitor frequency response Frequency response tool System frequency baseline is complete Power pick-up baseline is under development Power Plant Model Validation Model Validation application is developed JSIS is preparing test cases for model calibration Voltage stability applications Test cases are developed

JSIS Key Activities – 2/3 Oscillation Analysis Applications JSIS developed test cases for vendors and application developers Vendors demonstrated their applications JSIS is working on operationalizing the leading applications Operating Procedures to address low-damping conditions Studies are completed, reviewed by affected parties What is the approval process for SP-based operating procedures ? A paper on modes of inter-area oscillations (PCC assignment) Power System Stabilizer tuning study

JSIS Key Activities – 3/3 JSIS complied utility updates on synchro-phasor investment projects PMU Placement Draft WECC Guidelines are developed “Synchronization” with NERC PRC-002-2 standard Data validation, bad data detection, signal conditioning and data mining DOE awarded contracts to EPG and Virginia Tech WECC JSIS has a budget item to deploy the data validation and bad data detection applications

FIDVR Awareness Voltage Frequency

PDCI Probing Tests Probing test plan is under way: Every other Wednesday starting March 20 Three full test, including Chief Joseph brake


4 – July 4 2012 Arizona Generation Outage Almost 1,700 MW of generation lost in Arizona: 333 MW at Arlington Valley, followed 4 seconds later 1,361 MW at Palo Verde WECC 2012 Light Summer Planning Case is used a starting point WECC RC provided WSM base case WSM has “net” instead of “gross” generation, WSM does not model station service loads in vast majority of cases Load was scaled regionally to match flows

4 – Dynamic Data Issues Helms units were operated as pumps and showed growing oscillations. The sign of PSS gain needs to be negative for units be stable in pumping operations High Desert units (busses 29000 – 29003) do not have exciter models, units are unstable and go out-of-step during certain simulations. A typical excitation model is added. "xcomp" for 45448 "KFALLCT1" 18.00 “1” is changed to 0.0 from 0.150, otherwise unstable. Confirmed with the test report. Rock Island units changed the sign for "xcomp", otherwise unstable



4 – Recommendations We recommend revising 2002 WECC thermal governor modeling recommendation to model frequency response correctly under light load conditions: WECC populate generator types in the PSLF tables MVWG to develop a recommendation for modifying plant baseload flag based on generator type, operating practices and unit loading MVWG to work with power plant operators on updating load controller and baseload flag data MVWG and JSIS to complete model validation study for July 4, 2012 event as the recommendation is developed and data is updated We recommend improve further improvement of power system dynamic performance monitoring : Placing time synchronized dynamic data recorders (like Phasor Measurement Units) at point of interconnection of power plants in Western Interconnection to provide transmission operators visibility of generator frequency response. Placing time synchronized dynamic data recorders (like Phasor Measurement Units) at major transmission paths and load centers for system model validation and dynamic performance analysis JSIS and MVWG to develop applications for generator frequency response tracking using PMU and SCADA data NERC MOD-B NERC BAL-003

5 – Frequency Response Application WECC through DOE CERTS hired PNNL to develop a frequency response Calculates frequency response metrics Maintains a database of system frequency performance

6 – Power Plant Model Validation Application Consultant A Consultant B

Using PMU Data for Model Validation BPA has installed PMUs at power plant POIs BPA developed Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV) application using PMU data BPA Substation Record: POI bus voltage POI bus frequency Power plant MWs and MVARs Point of Interconnection V I Power Plant ~

Consultant A Consultant B Reality

BPA Model Validation State Plant Active Power Reactive H1(14)   H2(18) H3(16) H4(12) H5(27) T1(1)* T2(2)* T3(3) T4(1) W1 Good Acceptable Needs Review Needs Major Revisions

BPA Experience with Disturbance-Based Model Validation Most common model issues: Power System Stabilizer models Turbine control mode of operation / governor models Generator inertia Deficiencies in model structure Other reasons for model mismatch Automatic Generation Controls UEL “Clinical” experience: Plants with modern digital systems have good models that stay accurate over time Plants with legacy analog controls have most errors and tend to change in time

Performance Monitoring and Detecting Generator Control Failures Once a good baseline is developed, PMU is used for “clinical” assessment of power plant performance Controller status at the generator was indicating normal state PMU disturbance data indicated actual response very different from what was expected Power plant was contacted, controls inspected, found internal failure Blue line = actual response Red line = expected response

Performance Monitoring Event 1 ✔ PSS ON PSS OFF Actual PMU recording, Simulation with PSS ON, Simulation with PSS OFF

Performance Monitoring Event 3 ✔ PSS ON PSS OFF

Performance Monitoring Event 4 PSS ON ✔ PSS OFF PSS failed sometime between event 3 and event 4

Performance Monitoring Event 7 PSS ON ✔ PSS OFF

8. Ringdown Analysis Applications Goal: calculate oscillation frequency, damping and mode shape of an oscillation ringdown, either actual event or simulation Users: transmission planning and operating study engineers, operational support engineers

8. Ringdown Analysis Applications BPA prepared test cases – actual event and simulations of the same event University of Wisconsin Best numeric performance, including “difficult” cases Montana Tech University Batch processing of multiple cases, repeatable script, consistency check Washington State University Sliding window, looks for consistency among three methods EPG PNNL

13. Oscillation Detection Goal: detect sustained oscillations in ambient data Users: dispatchers and operational support engineers BPA prepared a test case: 2 ½ hour record combining several 20 to 30 minute data intervals from several PMUs Data included sustained oscillations, mode changes, forced oscillations, system events and bad data Ning Zhu (PNNL) developed the most

12. Phase Angle Alarming Maybe an indicator of “global” stress Single angle is not sufficient to determine secure / insecure regions PNNL Method on Multi-Dimensional Nomogram EPG used historic angle to determine phase angle norms V&R Energy project on Potential Cascading Modes ? Perspectives provided by Damir Novosel, President of Quanta Technologies Jame Thorp, a co-inventor of PMUs Phase angle rotation Phase angle reference – Southern California (Mira Loma, Lugo, Serrano)

11. Voltage Stability Applications V&R Energy ROSE presentation (WECC) Quanta Technology Voltage Instability Predictor (BPA TI) Singular Value Decomposition – Chris DeMarco EPG – voltage contours, dP/dV sesintivities Alstom Grid RPI Voltage stability project funded by DOE CERTS – could not attend the meeting WSU – did not present PNNL – did not present WECC JSIS will develop “test” cases, demonstrations at September 2013 meeting

9. Utility Updates WECC JSIS performed survey of the synchro-phasor projects: Planning – number of PMUs, PMU placement, etc Field infrastructure – PMUs, redundancy/diversity Telecom Control center infrastructure – PDCs, redundancy, historian Engineering Applications Control Center Applications Wide-Area Control Applications Data Exchange

20. Synchro-phasor Data Validation DOE had RFP and awarded two contracts for data validation and signal conditioning: Electric Power Group Virginia Tech for Linear State Estimator Both made presentations outlining their technical approach WECC will follow up with its own RFP for signal conditioning and measurement error estimation using linear state estimator