Setup Windows NT Server
Plan the installation Prepare the hardware check HCLHCL check memory (Checkit, QAPlus, etc) check hard-drive (SpinRite,etc) network card brand and model, IRQ and I/O address hard-drive adapter (IDE,SCSI,etc) video board, monitor sound card details
Plan the installation Decisions, decisions … what type of server: PDC,BDC, server (ordinary) name that server: server name, IP address, subnet mask, etc, if TCP/IP (most) Licenses client license: +-$40.00 per user, in addition to license of OS for client machines. per seat: per machine/user that accesses server per server: concurrent licenses set to an average number of users/machines.
Installing How to start Server CD-ROM in drive NT Setup diskettes (three), with disk 1 in drive A: reboot the machine to start setup from drive A: (diskettes contain a mini-NT to start installation) What you see after rebooting many steps and messages many steps and messages
And what else? Get help (use another machine) Microsoft On-line Support Microsoft On-line Support Apply Service Packs (6 is the latest)6 Windows NT Magazine Resources Windows NT Magazine Resources Resources for NTResources for NT Complete setup install device drivers NT has not detected install services as needed install applications