Environmental Safety and Health Program requires the following: All tools be kept in good condition with regular maintenance The right tool be used for the job Each tool be examined before use AND damaged or defective tools NOT to be used Tools be operated according to manufacturer’s instructions The right protective equipment for the tool and activity be used
HARDWARE TOOLS Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tools Hand tools Cleaning tools Diagnostic tools
1.What is an Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tool? Used to control the discharge of electrostatic electricity
What is an Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)? Static electricity is easily generated by friction on carpets, tile flooring, clothing, hair, fabric, and etc. The friction of moving air alone will charge suspended particles and cause the buildup of static electrical charges on people and objects in the environment
Examples of ESD Tools Anti-static wrist strap Anti-static mat Anti-static Bag
Anti Static Wrist Strap used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment
Anti-Static Mat used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent static electricity from building up.
Anti-Static Bag used for shipping (usually electronic) components, which are prone to damage caused by electrostatic discharge
2. What is a Handtool? is a device for performing work on a material or a physical system using only hands. The hand tools can be manually used employing force, or electrically powered, using electrical current
Examples of Handtool Philip Screw Driver Flat Screw Driver Torx Screw Driver Hex Screw Driver Needle Long Plier Wire Cutter Tweezers Part Retriever Flashlight
Flat Screw Driver used to loosen or tighten slotted screws.
Flat Screw Used to screw in hard disk drive, Cd-ROM drive, Floppy Disk Drive and motherboard in System Case.
Phillip Screw Driver used to loosen or tighten crosshead screws.
Phillip Screw Used to screw in hard disk drive, Cd-ROM drive, Floppy Disk Drive and motherboard in System Case.
Torx Screw Driver used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found on laptop.
Torx Screw Used to screw in Hard disk drive.
Hex Screw Driver sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens screws.
Hex Screw used to screw in motherboard and VGA port.
Hex-Flat Screw Used to screw in power supply unit and cover of system unit.
Hex-Phillip Screw used to screw in power supply unit and cover of system unit.
Needle Nose Plier used to hold small parts like screw and jumper
Wire Cutter used to strip and cut wires.
Tweezer used to manipulate small parts like screw and jumper
Part Retriever used to retrieve parts from location that are to small for your hand to fit.
Flashlight used to light up areas that you cannot see well.
3. What are Cleaning Tools? appropriate cleaning tools are essential when maintaining or repairing computers. Using these tools ensures that computer components are not damaged during cleaning.
Examples of Cleaning Tools Lint- Free Cloth Compress Air Can Brush
Lint-Free Cloth used to clean different computer components like monitor without scratching or leaving debris.
Compress Air Can used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components.
Brush used to brush dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components.
4. What are Diagnostic Tools? tools for diagnosing your computer problems
Examples of Diagnostic Tools Multimeter LAN Tester or Cable Tester
Multitester used to test the integrity of circuits and the quality of electricity in computer components.
Cable Tester it is also know LAN Tester. It used to test the LAN Cable