Indo-European Migrations: 4m- 2m BCE The Middle East: “The Crossroads of Three Continents”
The Ancient Fertile Crescent Area The Middle East: “The Cradle of Civilization”
Sumerian Religion - Polytheistic Enki Innana Anthropomorphic Gods
Mesopotamian Trade “The Cuneiform World”
Cuneiform: “Wedge-Shaped” Writing
Cuneiform Writing
Deciphering Cuneiform
Sumerian Scribes “Tablet House”
Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Gilgamesh Epic Tablet: Flood Story
Ziggurat at Ur Temple “Mountain of the Gods” Temple “Mountain of the Gods”
The Royal Standard of Ur
Mesopotamian Harp
Board Game From Ur
Sophisticated Metallurgy Skills at Ur
Sargon of Akkad: The World’s First Empire [Akkadians]
The Babylonian Empires
Hammurabi’s [r B. C. E.] Code
Hammurabi, the Judge
Babylonian Math
Babylonian Numbers
A View of Egypt by Satellite
The Fertile Nile Valley
The Annual Flooding of the Nile
Nile Irrigation-the Shaduf
Ancient Egyptian History PeriodsTime Frame Nile Culture Begins3900 B. C. E. Archaic3100 – 2650 B. C. E. Old Kingdom2650 – 2134 B. C. E. Middle Kingdom2040 – 1640 B. C. E. New Kingdom1550 – 1070 B. C. E. Late Period750 – 332 B. C. E. Greek Ptolemaic Era 332 – 30 B. C. E. Roman Period30 B. C. E. – 395 C. E.
Menes: Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt c B. C. E. ?
Ancient Egyptian Housing Middle Class Homes Peasant Homes
Scenes of Ancient Egyptian Daily Life
Making Ancient Egyptian Beer
Making Ancient Egyptian Wine
An Egyptian Woman’s “Must- Haves” Perfume Whigs Mirror
Egyptian Social Hierarchy
Some Famous Egyptian Pharaohs Thutmose III B. C. E. Ramses II B. C. E. Tutankham on B. C. E.
Egyptian Nobility
Egyptian Priestly Class
Egyptian Scribe
Papyrus Paper Papyrus Plant Hieratic Scroll Piece
Egyptian Math & Draftsmenship ,000100,0001,000,000 What number is this?
Champollion & the Rosetta Stone The decree appears in three scripts: the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the middle portion Demotic script, and the lowest Ancient GreekAncient EgyptianhieroglyphsDemoticAncient Greek
Hieroglyphic “Cartouche”
Hieroglyphics “Alphabet” 24 “letters” phonetic symbols
Egyptian Creation Myth The Goddess Nut
Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: “The Sacred ‘Trinity’” Osiris Isis Horus
Preparations for the Underworld Priests protected your KA, or soul- spirit ANUBIS weighs the dead person’s heart against a feather.
Materials Used in Mummification 1. Linen 6. Natron 2. Sawdust 7. Onion 3. Lichen 8. Nile Mud 4. Beeswax 9. Linen Pads 5. Resin 10. Frankinsense
Preparation for the Afterlife
Egyptian Mummies Seti I B. C. E. Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II B. C. E. Ramses II B. C. E.
Journey to the Underworld A boat for the journey is provided for a dead pharaoh in his tomb. The dead travel on the “Solar Bark.”
Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Final Judgement Anubis Horus Osiris
Shabtis: The Pharaoh’s Servants in the Afterlife
Stepped Pyramid at Saqqara
“Bent” Pyramid of King Sneferu
Giza Pyramid Complex
Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu
The Valley of the Kings
Archaeologist, Howard Carter (1922)
Entrance to King “Tut’s” Tomb
King Tutankhamon’s Death Mask B. C. E.
King Tutankhamon
King Tutankhamun’s Tomb
Treasures From Tut’s Tomb
The Valley of the Queens Temple of Queen Hatshepsut B. C. E.
Ankhenaton: First Monotheist? B. C. E.
The Ankh – The “Cross” of Life
Queen Nefertiti
Abu Simbel: Monument to Ramses II B. C. E.
Who Are These Strange People?
Routes of the “Sea Peoples” The end of the Bronze Age!
Indus Civilization Developed between BCEDeveloped between BCE Two largest cities were Harappa and Mohenjo DaroTwo largest cities were Harappa and Mohenjo Daro –Well planned cities Running water, sewers, and brick buildingsRunning water, sewers, and brick buildings Grid patternGrid pattern Pictographic writing (still undeciphered)Pictographic writing (still undeciphered) –Has 400 symbols Clear social classesClear social classes –Different types of houses: wealthy 2-3 stories, common people one room
Economics Advanced AgricultureAdvanced Agriculture –Wheat, rye, peas, rice (maybe) –Domesticated animals: chickens, cattle, goats, sheep –Abundant crops led to job specialization in cities (like E&M) Craftsmen less skilled than Mesopotamia (stone arrows, poor spears)Craftsmen less skilled than Mesopotamia (stone arrows, poor spears) Harappa and Mohenjo-DaroHarappa and Mohenjo-Daro –Connected by villages –Major trading centers with China, SE Asia, Southern India, and Mesopotamia Jade and jewels from SE Asia and ChinaJade and jewels from SE Asia and China Wheeled carts for transportationWheeled carts for transportation Mesopotamia for olive oil, wool, and leatherMesopotamia for olive oil, wool, and leather Persia for gold, silver, and copperPersia for gold, silver, and copper
End of Indus By 1500 BCE civilization had declined (unsure as to why: drought, earthquakes changed course of river, overuse of land, disease…)By 1500 BCE civilization had declined (unsure as to why: drought, earthquakes changed course of river, overuse of land, disease…) 1500 BCE a Indo-European group, the Aryans, overtook India1500 BCE a Indo-European group, the Aryans, overtook India –Culture of Aryans blended with the Indians Sanskrit; literary language of IndiaSanskrit; literary language of India Vedas became major books of HinduismVedas became major books of Hinduism Placed native Indians into inferior classPlaced native Indians into inferior class –People divided into 4 Varnas and each Varna into sub-classes called Jati –At the bottom were the Pariahs or Untouchables Scholars and priests Rulers and warriors Professionals Servants Pariah s