Middle East
Lie other Regions after WWII, the Middle East faced many difficulties Diversity Many different religions Mostly Muslims, but also Christians, Jews, and other smaller religions Israel formed Britain supported a Jewish homeland Many supported this because of holocaust Jews from all over, mainly Palestine, flocked to Israel
Middle East Oil The Middle East has supplied the world with most of its oil This has provided some countries with a very good economy Has also caused many conflicts with powerful nations Egypt Largest Arab nation Controlled Suez Canal Different leaders changed many ideas Currently strong Muslim rules Civil unrest with government
Middle East Iran Also has vast oil fields Many countries sought control over Iran after WWII Shah of Iran sided with Western Democracies Americans helped support Shah’s power Massive protests in the 70’s Led to revolutions and a new Islamic Theocracy
Middle East Saudi Arabia Largest oil reserves Economy depended on exporting oil to Western world Many groups disagreed with his Terrorist attacks and anti- Western world protests