Induced Seismicity at Lake Aswan Reservoir, Egypt Awad Hassoup Head of the National Seismic Network Laboratory
Sub-center ASWANBURG EL-ARABEL-KHARGAHURGADAMERSA ALAM Director Prof. R. Fath Elbary Ass. Prof. Sherif El-Hady Ass. Prof. Kamal Abu Enen Ass. Prof. Ahmed Deif Ass. Prof. Aly Kamel National Seismic Network Laboratory Data Base5- Sub-centers Technical Engineering Unit Seismological Activity Network observation Network Maintenance Data acquisition, data processing Training younger staff Technical support to the seismological centers in Arab Countries such Sudan, Libya Saudi Arabia Data exchange with European seismic centers Researches Seismic Hazards Structure of the crust Seismicity analysis Data processing & software Focal mechanism Source parameters Shallow seismic refraction Projects and reports - Seismicity monitoring around Aswan High Dam Aswan High Dam - Cooperation with European countries, countries, - Cooperation with oil companies, - Site selection for national projects, - Soil characteristics of Urban regions, regions, - Monitoring of quarry blasts ACCELERAGRAPHS NETWORK Ass. Prof. Kamal Abdel-Rahman
The seismological activity in (NRIAG) Established: 1903 Scientific Activity: 1898
Helwan EGYPT
Distribution of the telemetry earthquake recording stations of Abu Dabbab area. Case study: Seismicity monitoring using the portable array at Abu Dabbab area, Red Sea coast
Figure (3.3): An example of the recorded seismogram at Abu Dabbab stations, in 01/07/2004.
Geology and tectonics of the Aswan seismically-active area, Cross sections and borehole location (Issawi, 1969 and 1978).
MM intensity distribution of the 1981 Lake Aswan earthquake M=5.7.
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 1982 to 1983
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 1984 to 1987
Lake Aswan Seismicity from January to May 1987 Seismic quiescence observation
Lake Aswan Seismicity in July 1987
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 1988 to 1991
Aswan Lake Seismicity from 1992 to 1995
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 1996 to 1999
Lake Aswan Seismicity from April to July 2004 Seismic quiescence observation
Lake Aswan Seismicity from August to December 2004
Lake Aswan Seismicity from January to April 2007 Seismic quiescence observation
Lake Aswan Seismicity in April 2007
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 2000 to 2003
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 2004 to 2007
Lake Aswan Seismicity from 1981 to 2007
Depth distribution of Lake Aswan Seismicity and P- wave velocity structure
Waveform study of the June 1987 swarm sequence in Aswan
Measuring the time delay between the master and sub-events by applying cross correlation where f 1 (t) is for the master event and f 2 (t) is for the slave event
Relocation of the swarm sequence
Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1965~ 1986
Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1982~ 2007
Amplitude Fourier spectrum correlation between the temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1982~ 1989, all events
Shallow sequence Deep sequence (focal depths < 10 km) (focal depths from 10 to 30 km) Amplitude Fourier spectrum correlation between the temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1982~ 1989, Shallow and deep events
Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1982 ~83
Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 1987
1)The first burst occurred in June-July, 1999 during the seasonal decreasing of the water level. 2)The second burst occurred in October-November 2000 to January-February 2001 accompanied seasonal crest of water level. 3)The third burst of activity occurred from the end of February to July 2002 Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan May 1999 ~ July 2002
Temporal seismicity and water level variations in Lake Aswan 2007
Marawa fault (E-W)Seiyal fault (E-W) Khor El-Ramla (N-S) April Fault plane solution of earthquakes in Aswan
1D Velocity model of Aswan Dam region, used in spectral ray-tracer.
Fault plane double-couple solution of earthquakes in Aswan
Results and conclusion 1- Earthquakes tend to be clusters in swarm sequences in shallow seismic zone 2- The seismic quiescence is observed in Aswan Seismicity 3- The correlation between seismicity and water level fluctuation is evident in the Lake Aswan reservoir 4- The seismicity is correlated with geological fault traces in general. There are seismic segment trends occupying a nearby area to the Aswan High Dam.