About the Operating Committee JGC Leadership Training Salt Lake City, UT May 15, 2008 Don Watkins – OC Chair (plus others)


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Presentation transcript:

About the Operating Committee JGC Leadership Training Salt Lake City, UT May 15, 2008 Don Watkins – OC Chair (plus others)

2 What well talk about Charter How work is done The OC, Subcommittees, and their purposes Goals

3 OCs Charter The purpose of the Operating Committee is to advise and make recommendations to the WECC Board of Directors (Board) on all matters within the jurisdiction of WECC pertaining to maintaining reliability through the operation and security of the interconnected bulk western electric systems in the Western Interconnection.

4 The OCs Responsibilities 1. Review and analyze operations and problems of the Western Interconnection relating to its reliability, and such problems as may be referred to it by the Board. 2. Recommend to the Board new or modified operating Regional Standards, Regional Criteria, Policies, and Guidelines as may be required to promote reliability of the interconnected bulk power systems.

5 Further… The Operating Committee shall evaluate and recommend operating procedures, recommend facilities and shall analyze system operations that affect the reliability of operation of the interconnected bulk power systems. Items for consideration and specific functions of the Operating Committee shall…….

6 …include, but not be limited to: 1. Develop procedures for interchange scheduling and accounting. (ISAS) 2. Analyze major disturbances affecting more than one system including reports to the Chair of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. (OPS) 3. Prepare normal and emergency interconnected operating practices and procedures. (OPS) 4. Coordinate protection schemes and associated equipment affecting interconnected system reliability. (TOS) 5. Review intersystem communications and recommend improvements for greater reliability and security. (CIIPS, TOS) 7. Coordinate operating studies with the Planning Coordination Committee. (OC)

7 And…. 8. Develop requirements for operating reserves. (OPS) 9. Develop procedures for maintenance coordination of key bulk power system facilities and the communication channels by which systems are notified of abnormal system conditions. (OC) 10. Coordinate customer load shedding and restoration programs designed to avert cascading failures. (OPS) 11. Coordinate generator tripping and islanding schemes designed to avert cascading outages of facilities. 12. Develop tests for evaluating area-wide control schemes. 13. Produce, and update periodically, a map of WECC bulk system facilities in service. (staff) 14. Coordinate voltage and reactive control. (OPS)

8 And…… 15. Develop formats and collect data for analysis by technical committees and for WECC reports. 16. Oversee the development, administration and implementation of plans and procedures for controlling unscheduled flow on the transmission system. (UFAS) 18. Develop and maintain a process for certifying WECC control areas. 19. Coordinate with the WECC Reliability Coordination effort. 20. Oversee the development of the WECC Training Program and the WECC System Operator Certification Program.

9 And…… 21. Develop guidelines for setting and coordination of power system related equipment. 22. Promote security for critical infrastructure, data exchange, and control system policies within WECC to enhance coordinated interconnected system operations 23. Perform other items assigned by the Board of Directors. ………………..(whew….!)

10 Getting things done We depend on Guidance from the WECC Board, Issues awareness and guidance from the sub- committee chairs, The same from the RCs, MIC prodding, and the diversity of views and experience in the Steering Committee. And volunteers to accomplish the work…….

11 OC Organization Operating Committee

12 OC Steering Committee BURB- TP - Fred LeBlanc CISO- TP - Jim McIntosh MWEC - TP - Ruel A. Rogers, Jr. NWPP- SP - Jerry Rust PG&E- TP - Bob Mathews PG&E- TP - Lauri Jones PGE- TP - Mike Ryan PRPA- TP - John Powell SPPC- TP - Marilyn Franz SRP- TP - Steven Cobb SMUD- TP - Vicken Kasarjian WAPA- Nancy Bellows WAPA- TP - Ed Hulls WAPA- TP - Paul Humberson WECC - Louise McCarren WECC - Steve Ashbaker (oh, and BPA - Don Watkins…..)

13 Operating Practices Subcommittee Fred LeBlanc (BURB) MISSION To monitor compliance with the WECC operating criteria, procedures, guidelines, control performance criteria, and NERC operating guides. To review operating criteria and operating practices, investigate system disturbances or unusual operating conditions, and recommend new or modified criteria and procedures as required which will promote the security and reliability of the interconnected bulk power supply system. Sub groups: Operating Reliability Criteria Work Group, Performance Work Group, Operating Issues Work Group, Wide Area Measurement Task Force, and Operating Procedures Review Group.

14 Critical Infrastructure and Information Management Subcommittee Bob Matthews (PG&E) MISSION To monitor compliance with the WECC operating criteria, procedures, guidelines, control performance criteria, and NERC operating guides. To review operating criteria and operating practices, investigate system disturbances or unusual operating conditions, and recommend new or modified criteria and procedures as required which will promote the security and reliability of the interconnected bulk power supply system. Sub-groups Data Exchange Work Group, Energy Management System Work Group, and Physical Security Work Group

15 Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Marilyn Franz (SPP) Mission The Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee (ISAS) shall improve system reliability in the WECC by developing Interchange Scheduling criteria as required and promoting compliance with established Interchange Scheduling standards, policies, business practices, and guidelines. Sub Groups After the Fact Work Group, Electronic Scheduling Work Group, Real Time Scheduling Work Group, Business Practices Work Group, E-Tagging Issues Work Group

16 Operations Training Subcommittee Lauri Jones (PG&E) Mission To develop, conduct and monitor a training program for interconnected system operation that will enhance the ability of operating personnel to coordinate the operation of the WECC interconnected bulk power system, to maintain system reliability and to respond to emergency situations.

17 Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee Gene Henneberg (SPPC) MISSION To review the reliability aspects of existing and planned remedial action schemes and to enhance grid performance within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region by promoting a uniform evaluation and approval process. Sub Groups

18 Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee Paul Humberson (WACM) Mission In accordance with the Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan filing approved by FERC in November 1995, the UFAS was established to implement and administer the Plan in conjunction with WECC Staff. UFAS shall interpret the provisions of the Plan and recommend changes to the WECC Board of Directors and WECC Operating Committee (OC), as required.

19 Technical Operations Subcommittee Mike Ryan (PGE) MISSION To provide technical support on systems and equipment to the Operating Committee. To review and coordinate the activities of several work groups which have specific responsibilities in the various technical areas relating to the operation of the WECC Interconnected System. To assist WECC Members in maintaining and improving the reliability of electrical service in the WECC Region by recommending the adoption of operating procedures and the installation of equipment. Sub Groups Control Work Group, Relay Work Group, Substation Work Group, and Telecommunications Work Group

20 NERC Operating Activities Subcommittee John Powell (PRPA) & Jerry Rust Mission The NERC Operating Activities Subcommittee shall be responsible for coordinating interconnection operating activities and practices of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) with the regional interconnection activities and practices of WECC.

OC goals 1. Complete the Document Conversion Project. 2. Develop a Strategy for WSM applications (UFAS, Planning, operations, etc.) and begin implementation. 3. Develop a plan, with PCC, for Synchro-Phasor infrastructure and tools for situational awareness and operations analysis. 4. Support efforts from VGS in developing analysis, tools, and methodologies to include the integration and operation of variable generation in the West (e.g., ADI, RBC, Dynamic schedules). 5. Initiate a joint review with the PCC and update of the off-nominal frequency plan, addressing load variations.

22 Items in Due Process 1. VAR-001-WECC-1 Voltage and Reactive Control 2. WON Security Policy 3. Modification of the WECC Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan 4. After-the-Fact Tagging Guidelines 5. Frequency Responsive Reserve 6. Blackstart Unit Testing Business Practice 7. WIAB Criterion (WIT/TAS Backup) 8. Bulk Electric System Definition 9. More coming….. In-hour, etc.

23 Some Current Projects ACE Diversity Interchange ATEC implementation Various Fill in the blank Criteria Reliability Based Control Field Trial Implementation of Tier 1 Standards as Approved Frequency Responsive Reserves Criterion

24 A note While awareness of and diligent compliance to the NERC Standards and other applicable Reliability Criteria is absolutely essential and will be treated with the utmost diligence, our business is reliability, and paying attention to every aspect and event that relates to making up reliability.