CHAPTER 14 The Origin of Species Modules 14.1 – 14.2
Evolution Underground Evolution has generally been thought of as a very gradual process However, examples of rapid evolution have been observed
One example of rapid evolution occurred among mosquitoes who migrated into the London underground In less than 150 years, Culex pipiens evolved into a new mosquito species, Culex molestus The origin of new species is called speciation
The isolated mosquitoes adapted to their new underground environment They altered their prey, mating habits, and breeding patterns Environmental barriers that isolate populations are just one of many mechanisms in the evolution of species
In the United States the two species appeared to hybridize into one species, which transmits West Nile virus How could the mosquitoes behave like two species on one continent and one species on another?
The origin of species is the source of biological diversity Microevolution, gradual adaptation of a species to its environment, does not produce new species Speciation, the origin of new species, is at the focal point of evolution Macroevolution, dramatic biological changes that begin with the origin of new species, has led to Earth's great biodiversity
CONCEPTS OF SPECIES 14.1 What is a species? Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms of life The binomial system was introduced by Linnaeus in the 18th century Linnaeus used physical appearance to identify species
But appearance alone does not always define a species Example: eastern and western meadowlarks Figure 14.1A
cordilleran flycatcher and Pacific slope flycatcher FIGURE 16-1 Members of different species may be similar in appearance (a) The cordilleran flycatcher and (b) Pacific-slope flycatcher are different species.
Discovered that the warblers interbreed where their ranges overlap The myrtle warbler and Audubon’s warbler used to be classified as different species Discovered that the warblers interbreed where their ranges overlap Today, considered a single species FIGURE 16-2 Members of a species may differ in appearance (a) The myrtle warbler and (b) Audubon's warbler are members of the same species.
Similarities between some species and variation within a species can make defining species difficult Humans exhibit extreme physical diversity Figure 14.1B
The biological species concept Defines a species as a population or group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring Reproductive isolation of different species prevents gene flow Cannot be used as the sole criterion for species assignment The biological species concept is not applicable to fossils or asexual organisms
A ring species may illustrate the process of speciation 1 OREGON POPULATION Sierra Nevada 2 Yellow- blotched Yellow- eyed INLAND POPULATIONS COASTAL POPULATIONS Gap in ring Large- blotched Monterey 3 Figure 14.1C
The morphological species concept Classifies organisms based on observable phenotypic traits The ecological species concept Defines a species by its ecological role The phylogenetic species concept Defines a species as a set of organisms with a unique genetic history The genealogical species concept defines a species as a cluster of organisms representing a specific evolutionary lineage
Reproductive Barriers
B. Isolating Mechanisms (Leads to a new species!) Reproductive Isolation – members of two populations cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
specific scents (pheromones of insects). PRE-Mating Reproductive Isolation – involves mechanisms which do not allow mating to occur in the first place. 1. Behavioral Isolation: Members of two populations are capable of interbreeding but have differences in mating displays or courtship rituals. a. b. c. specific scents (pheromones of insects). color patterns/strutting. specific sounds or calls.
Courtship Dance
Different Mating Songs
2. Geographic/Ecological Isolation: Two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water.
When has speciation occurred?
3. Temporal Isolation: Two or more species live in the same habitat but have different mating/reproductive seasons. a. Brown trout and Rainbow trout are found in the same streams but Rainbow trout spawn in the Spring and Brown trout spawn in the Fall. b. Three similar species of orchid living in the same tropical habitat each release pollen on different days; therefore, they cannot pollinate one another.
Reproductive Isolation Section 16-3 Reproductive Isolation results from Isolating mechanisms which include Behavioral isolation Temporal isolation Geographic isolation produced by produced by produced by Behavioral differences Different mating times Physical separation which result in Independently evolving populations which result in Formation of new species
NOTE: Several isolating mechanisms can compound one another to insure mating doesn’t occur. This permits two species to occupy the same valuable habitat and prevents wastage of valuable gametes.
14.2 Reproductive barriers keep species separate Prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers prevent individuals of different species from interbreeding Table 14.2
Premating Isolating Mechanisms Habitat isolation In nature, lions (africa) do not mate with tigers (India)- the liger/tigon is an anomaly Each species of fig wasp breeds in the fruits of a particular species of fig
Temporal isolation Bishop pine pollination occurs in summer Monterey pine pollination occurs in early spring
Behavioral isolation Songs, dances, and plumage of male songbirds are species specific Attract females of the same species Females of other species are unresponsive
Mechanical incompatibility snails of species whose shells have left-handed spirals may be unable to successfully copulate with snails whose shells have right-handed spirals Many plant species have flower structures that are adapted to specific pollinators
Gametic incompatibility In animals, fluids of the female reproductive tract may weaken or kill sperm of another species In plants, pollen from one species may fail to germinate when it lands on the stigma of another species
Postmating Isolating Mechanisms Postmating isolating mechanisms include: Hybrid breakdown Hybrid inviability Hybrid infertility
Hybrid breakdown = offspring to hybrids are weak or infertile as witnessed in laboratory crosses of fruit flies, where the offspring of second-generation hybrids are weak and usually cannot produce viable offspring).
Postmating Isolating Mechanisms Hybrid inviability occurs when hybrid offspring fail to survive to maturity the hybrid egg formed from the mating of a sheep and a goat will die early in development
Postmating Isolating Mechanisms Hybrid may abort early in development Hybrid may be unable to reproduce because it display behaviors that are mixtures of the two parental types Lovebird hybrids have great difficulty learning to carry nest materials during flight
Postmating Isolating Mechanisms Hybrid infertility/Sterility occurs when hybrid offspring are sterile or have reduced fertility Mule hybrids (a cross between a horse and a donkey) are sterile Liger hybrids (a zoo-based cross between a male lion and a female tiger) are sterile
Hybrid Sterility + Donkey Horse = Mule (sterile)
FIGURE 16-8 Hybrid infertility This liger, the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tiger, is sterile. The gene pools of its parent species remain separate.
14.3 Geographic isolation can lead to speciation MECHANISMS OF SPECIATION 14.3 Geographic isolation can lead to speciation Mechanisms of speciation Allopatric speciation Isolating mechanism is a physical barrier Sympatric speciation Isolation occurs without geographic separation Figure 14.3
ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-9 (part 1) Allopatric isolation and divergence In allopatric speciation, some event causes a population to be divided by an impassable geographical barrier. One way the division can occur is by colonization of an isolated island. The two now-separated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-9 (part 2) Allopatric isolation and divergence In allopatric speciation, some event causes a population to be divided by an impassable geographical barrier. One way the division can occur is by colonization of an isolated island. The two now-separated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-9 (part 3) Allopatric isolation and divergence In allopatric speciation, some event causes a population to be divided by an impassable geographical barrier. One way the division can occur is by colonization of an isolated island. The two now-separated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
Allopatric Speciation Allopatric speciation occurs when two populations of a species become separated by a geographical barrier Colonization of remote islands by mainland organisms Geological changes such as volcanism, earthquakes, continental drift, and rivers changing course
Allopatric Speciation Allopatric speciation occurs when isolated populations diverge genetically
Allopatric Speciation Is believed to be the most common type of speciation, especially among animals Two allopatric populations, the Abert’s squirrel and the Kaibab squirrel (subspecies of Aberts), may be evolving into two separate species
Kaibab Abert FIGURE 16-3 Geographical isolation To determine if these two squirrels are members of different species, we must know if they are "actually or potentially interbreeding." Unfortunately, it is hard to tell, because (a) the Kaibab squirrel lives only on the north rim of the Grand Canyon and (b) the Abert squirrel lives only on the south rim. The two populations are geographically isolated but still quite similar. Have they diverged enough since their separation to become reproductively isolated? Because they remain geographically isolated, we cannot say for sure.
Sympatric Speciation Sympatric speciation occurs when Two populations of a species living in the same geographical area become restricted to different habitats Isolated populations diverge genetically
Sympatric Speciation Two sympatric populations of fruit flies (Rhagoletis pomonella) may be evolving into two separate species
Sympatric Speciation One population lays its eggs in hawthorn fruit, while the other prefers apples The two populations experience very little interbreeding
Sympatric Speciation Males and females prefer the same type of fruit in which they developed Apples mature two or three weeks later than hawthorn fruit (flies mature and mate at different times)
SYMPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-10 (part 1) Sympatric isolation and divergence In sympatric speciation, some event blocks gene flow between two parts of a population that remains in a single geographic area. One way in which this genetic isolation can occur is if a portion of a population begins to use a previously unexploited resource, as when some members of an insect population shift to a new host plant species (as has occurred in the fruit fly species Rhagoletis pomonella). The two now-isolated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
SYMPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-10 (part 2) Sympatric isolation and divergence In sympatric speciation, some event blocks gene flow between two parts of a population that remains in a single geographic area. One way in which this genetic isolation can occur is if a portion of a population begins to use a previously unexploited resource, as when some members of an insect population shift to a new host plant species (as has occurred in the fruit fly species Rhagoletis pomonella). The two now-isolated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
SYMPATRIC SPECIATION FIGURE 16-10 (part 3) Sympatric isolation and divergence In sympatric speciation, some event blocks gene flow between two parts of a population that remains in a single geographic area. One way in which this genetic isolation can occur is if a portion of a population begins to use a previously unexploited resource, as when some members of an insect population shift to a new host plant species (as has occurred in the fruit fly species Rhagoletis pomonella). The two now-isolated populations may diverge genetically. If the genetic differences between the two populations become large enough to prevent interbreeding, then the two populations constitute separate species.
New Species The above mechanisms of speciation and reproductive isolation lead to forking branches in the evolutionary tree of life, as one species splits into two
FIGURE 16-11a Interpreting evolutionary trees Evolutionary history is often represented by (a) an evolutionary tree, a graph in which the vertical axis plots time. In (b), an evolutionary tree representing an adaptive radiation, many lines may branch from a single point. This pattern reflects biologists' uncertainty about the order in which the multiple speciation events of the radiation took place. With more research, it may be possible to replace the "starburst" pattern with a more informative tree.
14.4 Islands are living laboratories of speciation On the Galápagos Islands, repeated isolation and adaptation have resulted in adaptive radiation of 14 species of Darwin’s finches Figure 14.4A
Adaptive Radiation Adaptive radiation is the rise of many new species over a relatively short period of time
FIGURE 16-11b Interpreting evolutionary trees Evolutionary history is often represented by (a) an evolutionary tree, a graph in which the vertical axis plots time. In (b), an evolutionary tree representing an adaptive radiation, many lines may branch from a single point. This pattern reflects biologists' uncertainty about the order in which the multiple speciation events of the radiation took place. With more research, it may be possible to replace the "starburst" pattern with a more informative tree.
Adaptive Radiation Occurs when populations of one species invade a variety of new habitats Finch colonization of the Galápagos Islands Silversword plants of the Hawaiian islands Cichlid fish colonization of Lake Malawi Tarweed plant colonization of the Hawaiian Islands
Adaptive radiation on an island chain finches 1 Species A from mainland 2 B A B 3 B B 4 C C C C D C D 5 Figure 14.4B
SILVERSWORD FIGURE 16-12 Adaptive radiation About 30 species of silversword plants inhabit the Hawaiian Islands. These species are found nowhere else, and all of them descended from a single ancestral population within a few million years. This adaptive radiation has led to a collection of closely related species of diverse form and appearance, with an array of adaptations for exploiting the many different habitats in Hawaii, from warm, moist rain forests to cool, barren volcanic mountaintops.
FIGURE 16-12 (part 1) Adaptive radiation About 30 species of silversword plants inhabit the Hawaiian Islands. These species are found nowhere else, and all of them descended from a single ancestral population within a few million years. This adaptive radiation has led to a collection of closely related species of diverse form and appearance, with an array of adaptations for exploiting the many different habitats in Hawaii, from warm, moist rain forests to cool, barren volcanic mountaintops.
FIGURE 16-12 (part 2) Adaptive radiation About 30 species of silversword plants inhabit the Hawaiian Islands. These species are found nowhere else, and all of them descended from a single ancestral population within a few million years. This adaptive radiation has led to a collection of closely related species of diverse form and appearance, with an array of adaptations for exploiting the many different habitats in Hawaii, from warm, moist rain forests to cool, barren volcanic mountaintops.
FIGURE 16-12 (part 3) Adaptive radiation About 30 species of silversword plants inhabit the Hawaiian Islands. These species are found nowhere else, and all of them descended from a single ancestral population within a few million years. This adaptive radiation has led to a collection of closely related species of diverse form and appearance, with an array of adaptations for exploiting the many different habitats in Hawaii, from warm, moist rain forests to cool, barren volcanic mountaintops.
FIGURE 16-12 (part 4) Adaptive radiation About 30 species of silversword plants inhabit the Hawaiian Islands. These species are found nowhere else, and all of them descended from a single ancestral population within a few million years. This adaptive radiation has led to a collection of closely related species of diverse form and appearance, with an array of adaptations for exploiting the many different habitats in Hawaii, from warm, moist rain forests to cool, barren volcanic mountaintops.
Unreduced diploid gametes 14.5 New species can also arise within the same geographic area as the parent species In sympatric speciation, a new species may arise without geographic isolation A failure in meiosis can produce diploid gametes Self-fertilization can then produce a tetraploid zygote Parent species Zygote Meiotic error Self- fertilization Offspring may be viable and self-fertile 2n = 6 Diploid 4n = 12 Tetraploid Unreduced diploid gametes Figure 14.5A
Sympatric speciation by polyploidy was first discovered by Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries in the early 1900s Figure 14.5B
14.6 Connection: Polyploid plants clothe and feed us Many plants are polyploid They are the products of hybridization The modern bread wheat is an example Figure 14.6A
The evolution of wheat AA BB Wild Triticum (14 chromo- somes) Triticum monococcum (14 chromosomes) AB Sterile hybrid (14 chromosomes) Meiotic error and self-fertilization AABB DD T. turgidum EMMER WHEAT (28 chromosomes) T. tauschii (wild) (14 chromosomes) ABD Sterile hybrid Meiotic error and self-fertilization AA BB DD T. aestivum BREAD WHEAT (42 chromosomes) Figure 14.6B
14.7 Reproductive barriers may evolve as populations diverge This has been documented by laboratory studies (fruit flies) Diane Dodd tested the hypothesis that reproductive barriers can evolve as a by-product of the adaptive divergence of populations in different environments Figure 14.7A
Initial sample of fruit flies Starch medium Maltose medium Results of LE 14-5a Initial sample of fruit flies Starch medium Maltose medium Results of mating experiments Female Female Same population Different populations Starch Maltose Starch Same 22 9 18 15 Male Male 8 20 Different 12 15 Maltose Mating frequencies in experimental group Mating frequencies in control group
Geographic isolation in Death Valley led to allopatric speciation of pupfish By genetic drift or natural selection, the isolated populations evolved into separate species
examples in natural populations (pupfish in Death Valley) Figure 14.7B
14.8 The tempo of speciation can appear steady or jumpy According to the gradualist model of the origin of species new species evolve by the gradual accumulation of changes brought about by natural selection However, few gradual transitions are found in the fossil record Figure 14.8A
The punctuated equilibrium model suggests that speciation occurs in spurts Rapid change occurs when an isolated population diverges from the ancestral stock Virtually no change occurs for the rest of the species’ existence Figure 14.8B
14.9 Talking About Science: Peter and Rosemary Grant study the evolution of Darwin’s finches The occasional hybridization of finch species adds to the genetic variation of parent populations This may have been important in the adaptive radiation of finch species Figure 14.9