Western Electricity Coordinating Council Identify, coordinate, and propose solutions to seams issues Participate, monitor and communicate the development of ATC standards and business practices associated with ATC Complete preschedule process regional criteria and implement. Complete development of a WECC-wide merchant reliability communications methodology 2009 MIC Goals
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Support member implementation of FERC Orders as appropriate Review all NAESB standards and post synopsis on WECC Website. Establish a NAESB forum for WECC input into NAESB Standards Provide a forum to facilitate open discussions of reliability/market issues relevant to the electric industry 2009 MIC Goals
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Inform the WECC Board, Standing Committees and market participants of standards, regional criteria and regulations and their implications Work with the Variable Generation Subcommittee and coordinate market interface issues 2009 MIC Goals