Friday, October 19 th : Period E 1. An update on EXCEL Homework Review 2. Completing Topic G.1, Community Ecology
EXCEL – Revised, Improved Worksheet… Please complete your temperature assignment by Tuesday. The worksheet (revised for EXCEL 2010) is accesible on the Class Blog Please contact me if you don’t have access to EXCEL, or if you need some help Use your IB Independent Assessment Guide – it has all of the answers to your questions!! Online help: Getting started with EXCEL
Homework Review: Factors Affecting Plant and Animal Species Distribution
i-Biology Link
i-biology hyperlink
Homework Review: Relationships Between Species
Relationships Between Species RELATIONSHIPSPECIES 1SPECIES 2 HERBIVORYPlant: +/-Primary Consumer + PREDATIONPredator: +Prey: - PARASITISMHost: -Parasite: + MUTUALISMSpecies 1: +Species 2: + (COMMENSALISM)Species 1: 0Species 2: 0 COMPETITION+/-/0
Let’s Check those relationships… It's David....(3.30) National Geographic Anemones/clownfish PBS marine interactions Marine Mutualism
COMPLETING Topic G:1 Competition! The niche concept Competitive exclusion Niche partitioning
‘Competition’ in Ecology? When does it happen? Shared resource in short supply Competion is a density dependent determinant of population dynamics Do competitors have to meet each other? Competition can be between individuals of the same species (intra-specific) or between different species (inter- specific)
Intra-specific competition: Competition for mates Male Bighorn Sheep Bisons headbutting
Intra-specific competition: Darwin’s Finches Darwin's Finches
Interspecific Competition Competition between different species which depend on the same resource: Food Water Nesting Sites Breeding Sites Examples: spades...
The Niche Concept Topic G.1.5: Explain what is meant by the niche concept, including an organism’s spatial habitat, its feeding activities and its interactions with other species
The Niche Concept: Definition ‘Nicher’ (French): to Nest A term describing the way of life of a population To describe a population’s niche, you need to describe its ‘specialised habitat’: – space and territory – Nutrition and feeding habits – Interactions with other organisms – Its reproductive habits – Its role in the community
The Niche concept: A Working Analogy In 1927, Charles Sutherland Elton, the British Ecologist, stated: ‘When an ecologist states ‘There goes a badger’, he should include in his thoughts a definite idea of the animal’s role in the community, just as if he had said ‘There goes the vicar’
Defining a Niche : ‘The Boundary conditions’ Two species that use exactly the same resources cannot occupy the same niche Only one species or population can occupy the same niche for an extended period
G.1.8: Distinguish between fundamental and realized niches.
Fundamental Niche A species’ fundamental niche is the full range of environmental and social conditions under which it could potentially survive and reproduce ‘potential niche’ Some species have a broad fundamental niche Some species have a narrow fundamental niche
Realised Niche The realised niche is the specific set of conditions in which it survives in a given habitat or ecosystem, given the other species or limitations present. These are the conditions to which the population is best adapted.
‘Realised Niche’ is not a constant for a species In fact, populations of the same species may occupy different realised niches within different ecosystems It all depends on the other species and environmental factors involved in ‘sharing of the resources’
Let’s look at some examples….
G.F. Hutchinson’s Definition of the Hyperdimensional Niche…
Homework for Monday Research information for two species of your choice. One can be the Clown-fish The other can come from the WWF website: WWF species directory
G.1.7: Explain the principle of competitive exclusion Aka ‘Gause’s Law’ ‘No two species can occupy the same niche for a prolonged time’
The Competitive Exclusion Principle If two species share a niche, there must be inter- specific competition for resources The best adapted species will survive The loser will struggle to survive and reproduce, and will eventually become extinct OR migrate (if its niche is broad enough) Examples are abundant Invasive species Red versus Grey Squirrel in Western Europe Gause’s Paramecium
Competitive Exclusion: Squirrels
Competitive Exclusion: Squirrel Distribution
G.1.7: Outline the method and importance of G.F. Gause’s paramecium experiments Gause's Struggle for existence can be accessed in full online (even in Russian!)!
G.1.7: Outline the method and importance of G.F. Gause’s paramecium experiments Georgy Gause cultured 2 species of the protist Paramecium: P. Aurelia P. Caudatum Grown together under ideal conditions, both populations reach a higher maximum Grown together, one species rapidly becomes extinct…
Let’s think about it….. How does environmental change affect a species with a broad niche?
Species with a broad niche ‘Generalists’ Widely distributed geographically Adaptable Red-Tailed Hawk
Let’s think about it….. How does environmental change affect a species with a narrow niche?
Species with a narrow Niche ‘Specialists’ Not adaptable Under threat of extinction if the niche changes
Does Competitive Exclusion work in the real world?.... The competitive Exclusion principle is actually rarely observed in natural ecosystems: ‘spatial heterogenity’ (niche partitioning) Niche sharing/ partitioning associated with availability of multiple resources ‘The paradox of the plankton’: Why do so many plankton species exist in a small, limited, homogenous habitat?
Niche Partitioning As there is a limited about of space and resources on Earth, organisms can use niche partitioning 1. Spatial: Two different species use the same resource by occupying different areas within the range of the resource 2. Temporal: Two species eliminate direct competition by using the same resource at different times 3. Morphological: Two different species evolve different morphologies in order to use a resource in different ways
Spatial Niche Partitioning Closely related bird species occupy different foraging locations on a single tree species
Temporal Niche Partitioning Different species of spiny mouse inhabiting the same ecosystem may be either nocturnal OR diurnal feeders
Morphological Niche Partitioning Different beak sizes have allowed adaptive radiation of finches in the Galapagos Islands