Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is the seventh largest school district in Idaho and the fourth largest business in the Idaho Falls area. The District currently serves nearly 10,000 students and employs approximately 1,300 classified and certified staff. We have been increasing student enrollment at the rate of per year for the past five years and are projected to reach 14,000 students by Five new K-6 elementary schools built in past five years.
Student Instruction Occurs in 24 School Locations: Two preschool programs Two developmental kindergarten programs Two all-day kindergarten programs Thirteen elementary schools (K-6) Two middle schools (7-8) K-9 Home School Virtual Academy Two comprehensive 9-12 high schools Two alternative schools (middle school and high school) Behavioral Health Center satellite program for in-house students (K-12 ) District eCenter – Online courses allow students to return to school and earn a high school diploma
Our overall yearly budget is $103,000,000 Our Maintenance and Operation budget is approximately $50,000,000 per year For the school year, State funding was $1.8 million less in the M & O State funding was reduced by $4 million for the school year (possible $6 million if holdback)
Board- adopted Budget Measures Reduce textbook purchases from M&O budget$300,000 Eliminate District-level printed public communication services (i.e., Beacon, public service announcements, etc.)$30,000 Reduce summer school programs$11,000 Eliminate Driver Education Program$41,000 Eliminate part-time custodial at each school$155,000 Reduce District administrative positions 2 FTE $152,800 Limit transportation for field trips, extracurricular, and co-curricular activities$35,000 Restrict district vehicle use $15,000 Total$739,800 Additional Savings Measures Implemented Reduction of 5 FTE at high school (1 FTE = $55,000)$275,000 Energy Education Program$200,000 Supplanting with ARRA Funds$167,000 Reduction of M&O Fund Balance$418,200 Total$1,060,200 Total Combined Total $1,800,000
Revenue Reductions State Budget Reductions$4,000,000 Projected State Holdback$2,000,000 Additional Expenses On-going expenses for new Elementary$525,000 Salaries from cut State Technology Grant$100,000 Salaries from Drug Free$80,000 Truancy Officer$18,000 Salaries from LEP Program$32,000 Total Shortfall $6,755,000
Board- Adopted Cuts Cut 9 Student School Days$250,000 Reduce M&O Travel Budgets 15%$39,000 Eliminate Textbook Purchases from M&O$100,000 Eliminate 4 Elementary Classroom Aides$80,000 Reduce Additional Contract Day Assign$39,000 Increase Class Loads by 2$300,000 Freeze Certified Lanes and Steps$200,000 Transfers and Savings Use Additional ARRA Funds$400,000 Transfer Bus Depreciation 09-10$235,000 Transfer Bus Depreciation 10-11$235,000 Transfer Portion of SRO to Drug Free$46,000 Additional Energy Savings$100,000 Transfer from M&O Fund Balance$2,000,000 Transfer from Plant Facility Fund Balance$800,000 Transfer from Medicaid Fund Balance$200,000 Total Cuts and Transfers/ Savings $5,024,000
Totals Total Shortfall$6,755,000 Total Cuts and Transfers/Savings$5,024,000 Additional Revenue Needed$1,731,000 Additional Revenue Student Growth$1,000,000 eCenter Revenue$200,000 Virtual Academy Revenue$200,000 Increase Participation Fees$50,000 Counselors Bill Medicaid$150,000 Net Amount $131,000
Kindergarten Bus Routes ($181,000) – There are 41 kindergarten sessions in D93 – If we lost 36 students due to bussing, we would lose all of our savings – That’s less than one student per session.
Change High School Schedule (4x4 AB Block/25%) $400,000 Eliminate 3 Secondary & 6 Elementary Counselors $612,000 Eliminate 6 Elementary Music/PE Specialists $207,000 Prorate Benefits $315,000 Reduce Clerical Staff $50,000 Terminate Intermountain Film Contract $55,700 Reduce Additional.5 Administrative Position$35,000 1% Salary Reduction $421,000 1 Day Furlough $203,000 Reduce Personal Leave Days $45,000 Eliminate SRO’s $185,000 Additional Possibilities for
2009 Comparison between Bonneville and the State Average Graduation Rate
Potential Alternatives for Credit Recovery IDLA Retake classes at traditional high school Transfer to alternative school iSucceed Local universities Potential Alternatives for High School Degrees for Dropouts GED Local universities
Turning away kids from alternative high school due to lack of space – An average of 8 kids per block (13 Blocks) No way for students to recover credit within our school district
2009 Comparison between Bonneville and the State Average Dropout Rate Note: We already have a good dropout rate when compared to the rest of the state. Through the use of the E-Center, we will reduce the rate by an additional approximate average of 30%.
80% of prisoners, nationwide are high school dropouts (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory National Dropout Prevention Network Study)
Average College Cost: 53% of students pay $7,000 or less per year for tuition and fees. (Trends in Higher Education) Average 2-year College/Professional Technical Cost (31% of students choose this option) $3,200 for tuition and fees. (Trends in Higher Education) Average yearly funding for educating a child: $6,900 (Idaho State Department of Education)
Average Cost per Prisoner, as reported by each state’s Department of Corrections California: $48,536 Montana: $32,500 Utah: $48,536 Nevada: $48,536 Wyoming: $48,536 Idaho: $20,400
24 students graduated from traditional high schools due to credit recovery at the eCenter 17 alternative school students graduated due to credit recovery at eCenter 8 students graduated from the eCenter Averaged 31 hours to complete a course
The following graph shows the breakdown of the 326 credits earned during the first semester.
Summer School Enrollment The following graph shows the breakdown of credits earned during summer school.
Full-time students who are eligible for ADA ($5,700) attend without charge Students wanting credit recovery pay $100 per credit Total amount paid by students for credit: – 1 st Semester: $12,200 – Summer School $7,500
Curriculum aligns to Idaho State curriculum standards – NovaNet provides information on how the curriculum aligns so there is no guessing Default requirement is 80% in order to earn credit
Grades K - 9 Give homeschoolers a structured curriculum Computer for each student No charge to students Provide extracurricular activities Reintroduce families to the School District
Curriculum aligns to Idaho State curriculum standards Computers, books, and materials for students provided Teachers provided Marketing materials provided
Full-time students for entire year = $5,700 approx.