SIOP Kindergarten SIOP Lesson Ms. Stetz’s Class Snow School
2 2 Please number off at your tables What are you learning about in Kindergarten Kindergarten?
Kindergarten Learning Social Studies: Being responsible Reading: Read words. Sort words. Writing: Write information. Speaking and Listening: Talk with a partner.
4 Levels of Thinking Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis remember This means I can remember information
5 Content Objective: I can demonstrateknowledge Winter of Winter by recalling information I already know. Language Objective: I can orally describe what I know about Winter to my partner using… Winter “One thing I know about Winter is…” “In addition I know that…”
7 Thinking Partners— ”What you think you know”… With a partner, think about this topic: Winter Partner A: “One thing I know about winter is… Partner B: “In addition, I know that winter is…
8 Levels of Thinking Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis This means I can see how parts connect to each other
9 Content Objective: I can demonstrateanalysis words of words by finding connections between words. Language Objective: I can orally justify why I linked words together using the word “because…
10 What are these? Winter clothes!
11 1. Sit with your thinking partner. Take out the words from the envelope. Place them in a stack face down in front of both of you. 2. With your partner, take turns. Review the words. Partner A: Do you know this word?” Partner B: “Yes. The word is _______.” “ No, I do not know this word.” 3. Stack words into 2 piles: Words we know Words we do not know Word Review #4 report out
Words we need to know: mittens 12 The mittens are warm.
hands 13 I have two hands. Words we need to know:
warm 14 She is warm in her coat. Words we need to know:
15 Word Links Step 2: Link 2 words 1. With your partner, take turns— link 2 words. Partner A: “I think ____ and ____ go together because…” Partner B: “ I respectfully agree.” “ I respectfully disagree.” 2. Continue until you have almost all the words paired. #2 report out
16 Word Links Step 3: Triads 1. With your partner— link 3 words. Partner A: “I think ____ and ____ and ____ go together because…” Partner B: “ I respectfully agree because…” “I respectfully disagree because…” 2. Continue until you have almost all the words in triads. #3 report out
17 Content Objective: I can demonstrateanalysis words of words by finding connections between words. Language Objective: I can orally justify why I linked words together using the word “because… Did we accomplish our objectives?
18 Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis Levels of Thinking This means I can explain the information
19 Content Objective: I can demonstratecomprehension of academic words about Winter clothes linking by linking words to the reading.
20 Read about Winter Clothes 1. Listen while your teacher reads. 1 2
21 Read about Winter Clothes 3 4
22 Read about Winter Clothes 2. Partner A, read aloud Mittens, Coat, and Cap “Mittens, Coat, and Cap.” While Partner A is reading, Partner B finds each of the words in the text. When you find a word, set it aside in a stack.
23 3. Underline the words you found. 4. Reread the text with your partner. Read about Winter Clothes
24 Levels of Thinking Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis use This means I can use information
25 Language Objective: I can write at least one sentence using my words. I can draw a picture about my sentence.
26 Now, let’s write! I put …
Writing … with your partner Use your linking words--- Talk together then write: I put __________________ 27
28 Language Objective: I can orally report my sentence.
29 Speaking Conversations Stand up, Square-up Discuss: Your best sentence. Person with the most interesting shoes starts…. Partners from a different table
30 Partner up with your Thinking Partner Discuss: How did this lesson make you feel as a reader and writer? “As a reader, I feel…” “As a writer, I feel…” #3 report out
Content Did we meet our Content objectives? 31 Content Objectives: knowledge Winter recalling I can demonstrate knowledge of Winter by recalling information I already know. analysis I can demonstrate analysis of words by finding connections between words. comprehension Winter clothes linking words I can demonstrate comprehension of academic words about Winter clothes by linking words to the reading. application Winter clothes writing. I can demonstrate application of academic words about Winter clothes by writing one sentence.
Language Did we meet our Language objectives? 32 Language Objectives: Winter I can orally describe what I know about Winter to my partner. I can orally justify why I linked words together using the word “because…” I can write and orally report one sentence.
33 We love learning about winter clothes.