Which of the following do you think should be considered a religious group? LutheransHindusOutkastMuslims American Medical AssociationCatholicsJews Republican Party Lions ClubKansas City Chiefs BaptistsGrateful DeadMormons US Marines
You visit a cemetery. One tombstone reads: “Born in the 15 th century, died in the 16 th century.” What are the possible dates that this person may have been born and died?
What is Religion? Helps people answer questions about meaning and purpose of life – set of beliefs. Monotheism: belief in only one god. Polytheism: belief in more than one god.
Four Common Elements of Religious Groups 1.Deals with the sacred—extraordinary, mysterious, awe inspiring (vs. profane) 2.Rituals—established pattern of behavior in which believers experience the sacred. 3.Organization—hierarchy 4.Social functions—gives meaning to life, emotional support, sense of community, answers important questions.
B.C.: Before Christ B.C.E.: Before the Common Era A.D.: Anno Domini (the year of our Lord) C.E.: Common Era 50BCE050CE Reading a Timeline Centuries…1 st century = 1-99 CE
2000BCE1500BCE1000BCE500BCE0 Hinduism Abraham (Judaism and Islam) Moses (Judaism) Confucius (Confucianism) Lao-Tzu (Taoism) Guatama Buddha (Buddhism)
0500CE1000CE1500CE2000CE Jesus Christ 4 BCE-30CE (Christianity) Muhammad CE (Islam) Guru Nanak CE Sikhism
1.Who is older, someone who was born in 1760 BCE or someone born in 1450 BCE? 2.How many years difference is there between 250 CE and 250 BCE? 3.How many years difference is there between 1524 CE and 1436 BCE? 4.What century are we living in?
Semitic Religions refers to Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and people who came from the Middle East. Semitic religions are all monotheistic and have Abraham as a forefather (wife Sarah/son Isaac— Judaism/Christianity; servant Hagar/son Ishmael—Islam). Through a mapping activity you will learn about the connections between the Semitic Religions.
In your groups answer the following questions on one sheet of paper per group. Use the article to help answer these questions. Be sure to discuss your opinions in the group. 1.Is it legal for a teacher to teach about religion in the classroom? Explain. 2.Should a teacher be allowed to begin class with a prayer? Explain. 3.Can a high school basketball team be allowed to say a prayer before its game? Explain. 4.Explain what you think a Supreme Court Justice meant when he said “ The history of man is inseparable from the history of religion. ” 5.List 5 specific ways in which we can study religion in school. 6.Why is it important to study world religions in geography?