Hinduism Strongly tied to: Indian history and culture Indus Valley Civilization Aryan culture, language and social organization
Indo-European Migration 1500 BCE The Aryans migrate into Indus Valley Vedas - Sacred literature passed down through oral tradition Bring Sanskrit - classical Indian language
Aryans - Caste System Dasas did the work no Aryan would do Varna or skin color was a feature of this system, (varnas) Later called “castes” Grew more complex over time
Caste was determined at birth Affected all aspects of social life, including work and marriage Those considered impure were outside of caste or “untouchables” Static social system/could not advance Caste became associated with religion
HINDUISM Ancient religion w/origins in the Aryan hymns - the Vedas Cannot be traced to one founder or set of beliefs Complex interaction of many deities, evolves over time to be… Seen as a way of liberating the soul from worldly concerns
HINDU TRINITY Brahman -world soul Three natures Brahma - Creator Shiva - Destroyer Vishnu - Protector
Reincarnation Reincarnation, rebirth and re-death Karma - good and bad deeds follow you Dharma - predetermined moral duty, linked to caste, symbol is wheel Don’t question dharma
UPANISHADS Hindu Religious Writings Seek a single religious truth in the many Hindu deities and rituals Brahman - world soul World soul contains and unites all individual souls
Ganesha Most Widely Worshipped
Vishnu the Protector
“OM” Represents the Hindu Trinity
Swastika - Ancient Hindu Symbol Well being Corrupted by Nazis
BUDDHISM Founded by Siddhartha Gautama Born in 663 BCE in Nepal as a local prince Becomes disenchanted w/ worldly pleasures Explores Hindu beliefs and tries strict self-denial of the ascetics, but rejects this path Meditates under Bo Tree, faces temptations Transformed to the Buddha, “enlightened one”, 45 year ministry
Buddhist Beliefs Accept reincarnation, dharma, karma Reject worship of Hindu Gods Progress of soul depends on person’s deeds Four Noble Truths - Life is filled with suffering and sorrow; suffering caused by desire for life’s pleasures; end suffering by ending desire; follow 8 Fold Path
FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS Life is filled with suffering and sorrow; suffering caused by desire for life’s pleasures; end suffering by ending desire; follow 8 Fold Path
THE EIGHT FOLD PATH Right views Right intentions Right speech Right Action Right living Right effort or work Right mindfulness Right meditation
Goal is to achieve nirvana, not “heaven”, but perfect peace, release from suffering and pain Release from reincarnation Opposed by powerful Brahmins Buddhism declines in India but spreads East and flourishes in China, Japan, Korea and SEA Monks, nuns,take vows of poverty, chastity
Tripitaka Collection of Buddhist Sacred Writings Sermons of Buddha Interpretation of Buddhist doctrine Rules of monastic life
Buddhist Monks Play a Political Role
STUPAS Buddhist monuments Contain relics Mark the resting place of an enlightened being Commemorate holy sites Mark the way for pilgrims
SIKHISM 1500 CE Arose in Punjab Guru Nanak - “God’s Path” between Hindu and Muslim (arose in Hindu culture dominated by Muslim rulers) Monotheistic religion Holy Book - Guru Granth Sahib No caste or use of images in worship But belief in reincarnation Headquarters - Golden Temple in Amritsar
Guru Granth Sahib The Eternal Teacher
What Sikhs believe One God - shapeless timeless and omnipresent Reincarnation until the soul is ready to unite with God Guidance of the “ten gurus”from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh Leading a moral and purposeful life Defending their faith and protecting the community Gender equality
Sikhism - Five K’s Readiness to defend a faith under attack All begin with K in Punjabi Uncut hair - symbol of strength, uplifted Comb - orderliness Dagger - defense (now symbolic) Steel Bracelet - shield, shackled to God Shorts - mobility