Back to School... Child Development Washington Lee High School Teacher – Mrs. Carol Show
Do you like children? Is this the class for you? Is this the path for you?
Our Syllabus or what we can look forward to this year... Working with children! You will get to work in our own Preschool The Little Generals Preschool.
Useful Children’s Activities... Singing – “ lalalalala ” Crafts – “ how’s your cutting?” Children’s Books – The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Children’s Games – “Oh, what fun, I can’t wait!”
Observations... We will study different methods of observing children, “ why,” you ask? “ I can’t wait to tell you 15 good reasons!”
Careers working with Children... Which one of you is going to be the next Supernanny? Kindergarten Teacher Elementary Principle Nurse Child Care Provider and on and on and on
Infants... Real Care Baby or Baby Think It Over.
Toddlers... We will learn about play – “ really we have to learn to play?”
Preschoolers... Different types of preschools. Circle times, etc.
Discipline or Guidance Discipline is not a dirty word! Positive Behavior guidance. Supernanny.
First Aid and Safety... We will learn how and what to do for emergencies and accidents. We will learn safety rules for children.
Nutrition... Check out ‘The Plate’.
Children’s Literature... Children’s books and You will be the author and illustrator of your own original Children’s Book!
Your Responsibilities... Participation is the nature of this class, so you need to be here! Dress appropriately when working with children – you are being viewed as a ‘teacher’. TB test.
Here’s how you will earn your ‘A’… Preschool – your placement teacher assigns this grade – 30%
Here’s how you will earn your ‘A’… Daily Participation – you can earn 5 points for full participation daily – 30%
Here’s how you will earn your ‘A’… Class Assignments – includes projects, written work and tests – 30%
Here’s how you will earn your ‘A’… Daily Work Charts – completion of written objectives and reactions – 10%
Expectations and Classroom Management Plan: Be Responsible Follow Washington Lee school rules Be on Time (3 unexcused tardiness will result in a detention) Be Prepared Dress appropriately for Preschool teaching Ask for missed work if you are out
Expectations and Classroom Management Plan Be Respectful Use appropriate language Focus on task Tuck cell phones and iPods away during class time (this includes Fieldwork) Leave room neat and clean Listen to teachers and peers
If You Choose To Break a Rule First Time: Ask the student nicely to comply Second Time:Remind student of first request and refer to posted rule Third Time: Ask to speak to the student just outside the classroom Fourth Time: Will be asked to speak to an assistant principal at the office. Parents/guardians may be contacted at any step above if deemed appropriate.
Who is Mrs. Show? California University of Pennsylvania. Early Childhood Education FACS teacher (Family and Consumer Science) I have taught... Preschool Kindergarten 4 th grade 6-9 th grade High School and College! (Yikes – how old are you?)
Where is Mrs. Show from? Pennsylvania Florida Ohio Pennsylvania Germany Here!
Mrs. Show is happily married to... Colonel Stephen Show for – how many years? (yikes how old are you!) They have 3 grown – independent children.
Carrie - Jared - and Emily
Carrie and Mike in Jupiter, Florida
Maggie – 5 September 5 th
Andy – just 3
Abbie- Baby Girl -16 months
Jared – Hollywood, California
=EM46T4YToUs&feature=plcp Bigfoot Trailer
Jared and Sons of Anarchy
Emily and Tyler Raleigh, NC
Their new house...
I love to... spend time with family which means I also love to travel! decorate read dance and laugh!
My goals for this year are... get to know you not to sweat the small stuff exercise more learn to tweet and laugh even more!