10/40 WINDOW
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” ——Matthew 24:14
“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” ——Romans 15:2 0
10/40 WINDOW Earlier definition: 10 degrees to 40 degrees north of equator
10/40 WINDOW Current definition: located from 10 degrees south to 40 degrees north of the equator. 69 MOST UNEVANGELIZED NATIONS OF THE WORLD
1. Nearly 4 billion people live here (2/3 of world population). 2. It is estimated that 1.6 billion of these people have never had the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ – not even once!
3. The seat of every major non-Christian religion – Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, Atheism, and Sikhism – is headquartered in the 10/40 Window. 4. In many of the 69 countries in the 10/40 Window, witnessing the Christian Gospel means death.
5. 90% of the people are the poorest of the poor, averaging $250 per family annually of the 50 worst countries in the world for persecution of Christians are here.
7. Only five pennies out of every $100 spent on missions goes to this desperately needy area of the world. 8. Illiteracy is widespread.
9. Terrorist organizations and child prostitution run rampant in many of these nations. 10. Children as young as 18 months old are trained to be Jihad soldiers. 資料來源: Window International Network