School Readiness: We’re Better Together


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Presentation transcript:

School Readiness: We’re Better Together School Readiness: We’re Better Together! Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five & SCOE School Readiness Plan August 27th & 28th 2015

Where to find the framework On the Front Page of the ECLKC! Also About Head Start -> School Readiness -> Frameworks Or use Search *Please note that the Framework will be available in Spanish shortly

Why A NEW FRAMEWORK? To reflect research, science, and best practice The majority of grantees enroll children birth to five Children vary in their development and do not always stay within expectations for their chronological age

Structure of the Framework The Domains are broad areas of early learning and development from birth to 5 years that are essential for school and long-term success.

Structure of the Framework The Sub-Domains are categories or components of development within a domain. The Goals are broad statements of expectations for children’s learning and development. The Developmental Progressions describe the skills, behaviors and concepts that children will demonstrate as they progress towards a given goal within an age period.

Structure of the Framework The Indicators describe specific observable skills, behaviors, and concepts that children should know and be able to do at the end of Early Head Start (by 36 months) or at the end of Head Start (by 60 months).

Draft SCOE School Readiness Plan Grantee-level School Readiness Goals (updated annually based on data) Dual Language Learners Position Statement Transition Plan

SCOE School Readiness Goals

Goal #1: Children will demonstrate improved positive approaches towards learning including improved attention skills. Infant/Toddler Objective: By Spring 2016, children will demonstrate increased capacity to attend to people, things, or the environment when interacting with others or exploring play materials as measured below: Young infants—80% will be at “Responding Later” on ATL-REG 1 Older infants—80% will be at “Exploring Earlier” on ATL-REG 1 Toddlers—85% will be at “Building Earlier” on ATL-REG 1

Goal #1: Children will demonstrate improved positive approaches towards learning including improved attention skills. Preschool Objective: By Spring 2016, children will explore the environment in increased focused ways (curiosity) to learn about people, things, materials, and events as measured below: 3 year olds—82% will be at “Exploring Later” or above on ATL 3 4 year olds—86% will be at “Building Later or above on ATL 3

SCOE School Readiness System Child Level Planning Group level planning

30 Day Pre-Assessment Teacher Goals Current Practice New System The educator develops four 30 day pre- assessment teacher goals for each child enrolled in a center based program. The goals are updated at the first parent conference. The educator will use the Transitional Individual Child School Readiness Goal form in conjunction with the family to develop strategies for home and school to support the child’s transition. The goal will be discussed at the first parent conference.

Step 1: Transitional Child School Readiness Goal ADD Transitional SR Goal Form here

Purpose of assessment Domain focused Assessment data guides us in planning to support children’s learning and development. Where are the children today? Where will we take them next? Show the impact of our program Does the Head Start program work? Is it worth our investment?

Ongoing Child Assessment System Each agency will implement their own system for collecting evidence for their ongoing child assessments. The focus is on sufficient evidence to support the DRDP ratings. The Grantee will not put a number or dictate the system you will implement. Individual follow-up support can be requested for each agency as needed to develop systems that will work for you!

Step 2: Gather Assessment Data Anecdotal Observations: include observations gathered through the Creative Curriculum/Frog Street activities in each of the 5 learning domains to show the child’s developmental progress. Parent’s/Guardian’s Observations: record observations/ information that is shared by parents in regard to their child’s developmental accomplishments Child’s Photos: Photos may also be used to document child’s progress. Checklists: developmental checklists can be used to support ratings. Child’s Work Samples will be collected showing the child’s progress during each collection period. Samples may include writing/drawing samples and language dictations (if age appropriate) Videos: videos showing children involved in specific activities demonstrating various skills may also be included in the information gathering process Other sources may be useful in documenting children’s skills and abilities such as the child’s developmental screening(s) for a child’s baseline skills in the first collection period.

Child School Readiness Summary Current practice New System An individual child summary is completed for each child. The summary is brought to the parent conference. The DRDP rating record is complete for each child. The rating record is shared with the parent at the first parent conference to help guide the conversation with the family and setting SR goals for their child. The parent will be given a copy of the DRDP rating record.

Step 3: Complete the DRDP rating record and enter into COPA Infant/Toddler Preschooler

Step 4: Analyze the child’s assessment results with parents & identify opportunities for growth

Individual Child SR plan and Parent Conference Current practice New system A parent contact record is filled out to document the conference as well as other information shared with the family. (screening results, health data etc.) Three goals are developed in conjunction with the family and updated as needed throughout the program year. You will no longer fill out a parent contact record. The information is now part of the child’s SR plan. Each child will have one goal in each essential domain. (total of 5 goals) The goals will be reviewed and updated at each parent conference as needed.

Step 5: Complete the Child’s School Readiness Plan with parent(s)/guardian(s) ADD Child’s SR Plan Form Here

Step 6: Individualizing for each child Each agency will have their own system for documenting individualization of children. You are required to show individualization for each child at least weekly.

Child School Readiness Plan & Repeat process Implement strategies for school and home 2. Complete DRDP 3. Analyze child data 4. Adopt SR goals, Make a plan! 5. Implement SR Plan 1. Collect data 3 DRDP collections KSEP before kindergarten

Logistics…. The SR forms will be available on the website soon. The DRDP 2015 rating records will need to be copied at each agency. The DRDP 2015 has released the FINAL version dated August 1, 2015. Please make sure you are using the most updated tool.

Next Steps We are requesting feedback on the DLL position statement included in your packet. The contact information for Eva Blevins is stamped on the front page of the position statement. The School Readiness Plan is still in draft and will be discussed at the next SR Advisory Committee meeting on September 16th. We will also be discussing next steps.

Remember….. If you have any questions about the details of how this system will be implemented in your agency, contact your supervisor for guidance. Agencies can always request individualized training from the Grantee. The Director’s will receive an email with the PowerPoint presentation as well as the required forms.
