Religious Movements
Sufi movement Muslim mystics who started reform in west Asia. Inspired by Koran. Absorbed Buddhist and Hindu influences. Monastic organizations called Silsilas. Chishti and Suhrawardi became popular. Moinuddin Chishti- founder in India.
Teachings of Sufism Monotheism Equality Respect to all religions Reach god through love and devotion Strive to be a good hindu or a good muslim and lead pure life. Pir(guru) will guide a person along the spiritual path. Come closer to God through devotional music(Qawwali). Click to view video
Bhakti Movement “Bhakti” means devotion to God Inspired by the Upanishads and the Gita Began in South India- 7th Century Monotheism, equality and ritual free worship Promoted peaceful co-existence
Teachings of Bhakti Saints Monotheism, equal before God Reach god through love and devotion Lead a pure life Ramananda, Kabir, Guru nanak, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. RAMANANDA:- Opposed caste system 12 close followers-leather worker, barber, muslim weaver
SANT KABIR Idea of one God Hindu Muslim unity Universal brotherhood Tolerance and absolute Surrender to God. Denounced caste system, idol worship, rituals. Preached message through “dohas".
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Devotee of Krishna. Universla brotherhood. Experience God through love and devotion Condemned outward forms and ceremonies of religion and opposed domination of priests.
Birth place of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Meera Bai Rajput princess, devotee of Krishna. Love and devotion through “meera’s bhajans.” Spent a lot of time dancing and singing in devotion to Krishna.
That dark dweller in BrajIs my only refuge. O my companion, worldly comfort is illusion, As soon you get it, it goes. I have chosen the indestructible for my refuge, Him whom the snake of death will not devour. My beloved dwells in my heart all day, I have actually seen that abode of joy. Meera's lord is Hari, the indestructible. My lord, I have taken refuge with you, your maidservant Meera’s Poem
Sikhism Guru Nanak-founder. Inspired by Hinduism and Islam. By 17 th century, widely accepted. Teachings:- 1. One God, creator of Universe. 2. Human beings are equal. Rejection of caste system, accept universal brotherhood. 3. Good and pure life, discard idol worship. 4. Guidance of guru.
“Sikh” is derived from word which means disciple. Called “Gurumat” ie. Guru’s doctrine. God is Guru and Nanak is his chosen disciple. 10 sikh gurus-Guru govind Singh was the last Scripture initially called “Adi Granth” later known as “Guru Granth Sahib” Place of worship is the “Gurudwara”
5 sacred symbols-5 K’s 1. Kesa(hair) 2. Kanga (comb) 3. Kachha(Shorts) 4. Kirpan(sword) 5. Kara(steel bracelet) The execution of Guru Tej Bahadur by Aurangzeb in 1675 angered the Sikhs. Guru Govind Singh transformed the sikhs into a martial race Formed the Khalsa -followers were the soldier saints.
Impact of religious movement Preached in the languauge of the common people –development of the local language Lower caste got free access to the truths of hindu philosophy Conversion slowed down Exposed the futility of rights and rituals and undermined the superiority of the Brahmanas. Environment of universal brotherhood and tolerance.