ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar The complexity of European airspace demands effective communication between pilot and controller FLIGHTS PER DAY
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar Language is as much a tool for the controller as is radar …
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC* An English language proficiency test for operational air traffic controllers that meets the ICAO Standards for aeronautical communication *English Language Proficiency for Aeronautical Communication
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC TEST STRUCTURE Two test papers: Paper 1 – Listening Comprehension Paper 2 – Oral Interaction* Assessment at ICAO levels 4 & 5 *Versions for tower, approach and en route controllers
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar Internet based – paperless test High level of security Assessing key listening skills Items based on authentic pilot & controller messages Duration +/- 30 minutes PAPER 1 – LISTENING COMPREHENSION
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar The controller must respond appropriately to pilot messages With acknowledgements to Martin Germans
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar PAPER 2 – ORAL INTERACTION Simulated pilot/controller communication 3 Phases (non-visual & visual) Assessment of language proficiency: Routine & non-routine situations Switching between structured phrases (RTF) and plain English Negotiating an unexpected situation Duration about 20 minutes
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC STAKEHOLDERS Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) Regulators (NSAs, JAA, EASA) IFATCAIFATCA IFALPA European Commission ICAEA ICAO Controller unions
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar Core team of ATC & English language experts from: Spain, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Eurocontrol Test design consultant from UK Trialling of prototype November 2005 Software development by ENOVATE ELPAC – TEST DEVELOPMENT
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC DEVELOPMENT 2005 –Definition of test requirements –Design test format –Develop pilot version of test –Analyse pilot test
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC DEVELOPMENT 2006 –1 st major trialling March –External validation of test –Sample tests –2 nd major trialling
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar ELPAC DEVELOPMENT 2007 –Refinement of test –Production of guidance and support materials –July: ELPAC available for implementation
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar WHO DOES WHAT? Eurocontrol - will develop a test (ELPAC) ANSPs – will be responsible for training and test administration NSAs – will ensure compliance with ICAO and EC requirements ? – will be responsible for further development
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar BENEFITS OF A TEST ANSPs fulfill requirements of Annex 11 Regulators comply with Annex 1 Improved controller confidence Contribution to aviation safety
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar Will proficiency in English help to save lives?
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar HOW CAN YOU HELP? Assist in trialling of the test Advise on optimum process for test administration Provide valuable feedback during the project Help us develop the test that meets your needs
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar A test for air traffic controllers in English Language Proficiency for Aeronautical Communication ELPAC
ICAO - EUROCONTROL Regional Language Proficiency Seminar Thank you for your attention Any questions?