Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Update October 2008 Gary Nolan ISAS Vice-Chair
Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee OC Approval Item – WECC-INT-BPS-014 Identification of Contingency Reserve Responsibilities on e-Tags Mid-Hour Curtailment Standards Authorization Request Update Coordinate Interchange Timing Table Permanent Standard WECC Interchange Tool/Electronic Scheduling Work Group (ESWG) After-the-Fact Work Group (ATFWG) Real-time Scheduling Work Group (RTWG) Business Practice Work Group (BPWG)
OC Approval Item – Rescind BPS-014 WECC-INT-BPS-014 Identification of Contingency Reserve Responsibilities on tags Purpose: Identify in the e-Tag the Reliability Entity responsible for carrying contingency reserves and the obligation amount so that all parties to the e-Tag have a mutual understanding of contingency reserve responsibilities and obligations for every interchange transaction.
WECC-INT-BPS-014 WR1. When both the Source and Sink Balancing Authorities (BAs) are within the Western interconnection, e-Tag Authors will identify the Balancing Authority (BA) or Reserve Sharing Group (RSG) member responsible for including the transaction in their calculation of Contingency Reserve requirements. This entity will be referred to as the Responsible Entity. Only one selection can be made.
OC Approval Item Vote Motion: Rescind WECC-INT-BPS-014 concurrent with WECC-BAL-002 Standard Implementation A Yes Vote will indicate all reserve responsibilities will be identified strictly by the requirements in BAL-002 A No Vote will indicate at the least WECC-INT-BPS-014 would be remanded back to ISAS for modification
Mid-Hour Curtailment SAR Mid-Hour Curtailment Standards Authorization Request was sent to NERC Goal is to ensure the East does not automatically deny and Curtailment requests are processed correctly NERC assigned to the team working on reviewing and revamping the current Coordinate Interchange Standards West is invited to participate in revamping via the NERC IS Addressing wrongful denials of curtailments within WECC requires enforcement of Regional Criteria BPS-010 is to be reviewed
Coordinate Interchange Timing Tables (Permanent) Standard WECC Urgent Action SAR for modified Timing Tables was replaced with permanent changes to the Coordinate Interchange Timing Tables and 3 affected Standards Vote quorum 79.74% Vote 100% in favor of adopting the changes
WECC Interchange Tool (WIT)/Electronic Scheduling Work Group (ESWG) Update Phase II WIT Survey Purpose: Encourage BAs to verify Net Actual Interchange and Net Schedule Interchange are correct Multiple BAs adjacency validation now available WIT is being loaded with inadvertent values from August to ensure calculations work correctly going forward WECC and CERTS have worked out a solution to automate Monthly Inadvertent Reporting Data
Electronic Scheduling Work Group (ESWG) – WIT to CERTS (Inadvertent Report) Timeline: Nov. 3rd – Initial Upload to NERC CERTS Nov. 3rd-7th BAs cross check data and identify changes for WIT NSI or NAI Nov. 10th Notify WECC of needed schedule changes in WIT Nov. 11th WECC makes changes to WIT Nov. 12th WIT Final Monthly Inadvertent uploaded to CERTS Nov. 13th BAs perform final Cross-Checks of data in CERTS Nov. 14th BAs notify WECC of discrepancies between WIT/CERTS data Nov. 15th Remaining disputes due to WECC via to
ISAS– After-the-Fact Work Group (ATFWG) Inadvertent Reporting is completed through September 2008 Creation of ATF Tagging Protocols Regional Criteria Conference Call held 10/20/08 Developing Rules ATF Tags ATF Changes to WIT Responding to Comments Implementing ATF Tagging Protocols
ISAS– Real Time Scheduling Work Group (RTSWG) Denial of Curtailments continues Creation of Real Time Intra-Hour Tagging Protocols Regional Criteria Developing Rules Intra-Hour Tags Transmission Tag Processing Responding to Comments Implementing Intra-Hour Tagging Processing Firm Energy cuts without intra-hour replacement
ISAS– Business Practice Work Group (BPWG) BPWG will be submitting SAR to modify INT-BPS-010 to restrict curtailment requests to only start in the future and remove unconditional approval Purpose is belief that curtailments issued in the past may be a violation of NERC Standard INT and BAL Agreeing to changes to interchange prior to implementation. ATF corrections only as needed to reflect actual operating conditions. Provide feedback to SRRC regarding validity of request and/or suggestions for direction it should take.
Next ISAS Meeting: January 2009