Project ELITE Overview August 2013
Project Overview A model demonstration project sponsored by the Office of Special Education Programs. GOAL: Assist Del Valle ISD with the development of an RTI model that supports all K – 3rd graders and is designed to optimize the performance of English language learners
Who is involved in this project? Del Valle ISD Baty Elementary Creedmoor Elementary Gilbert Elementary Staff who instruct and support ELLs in grades K-3 University of Texas at Austin
Project Implementation in Del Valle ISD
Collaboratively Build an RTI Model that Optimizes Performance of ELLs Expertise from DVISD Expertise from Project ELITE Staff Improved outcomes for all students, with an emphasis on ELLs
How Did We Build this Model? Collect Data Review Data Refine Practice
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Assist with model development and refinement Representatives from district administration, Principal, assistant principal, instructional administrator, interventionists, classroom teachers, and Project ELITE staff 2 hour monthly meetings (or, as needed) to review data and outline “next steps” in model development
Step 1: Collected Data Teacher Level Classroom observation data Survey of RTI knowledge Teacher beliefs survey Group focus groups Student Level K – 3 student data on the DIBELS, TELPAS, and STAAR (3 rd grade only) K – 3 student demographic data The Stanford English Language Proficiency test (SELP)
Step 2: Reviewed Data Model Development and Refinement Contextual factors Classroom/school data Student data
Step 3: Refined Practice Professional development In-class coaching Family engagement
RTI Model
Structured Data Meetings
Enhanced Core Instruction through a Read Aloud Routine
Culturally Responsive Classrooms Using an assets based approach when working with students and families Communicating high expectations Learning about the cultures represented in your classrooms and translating that knowledge into instructional practice Positive perspectives on parents and families of culturally and linguistically diverse students Adapted from NCCREST “Practitioner Brief: Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction ” (2006).
Making Connections with Community and Families
Professional Development Topics Read Aloud Routine Response to intervention Data-based decision-making Culturally responsive practices
Implementation Read aloud routine during core instruction Classroom observations Coaching Refinement in PLCs Structured Data Meetings Data-based decision making Taking language proficiency into consideration when making decisions Creating culturally responsive classrooms Implementing culturally responsive practices Refinement in PLCs
Teacher Input RTI Survey and Teacher Belief Survey (fall and spring) Focus groups (spring) Formal and informal feedback on all aspects of project model
SELP Testing Creedmoor Elementary- September 3 rd -6 th Gilbert Elementary- September 16 th -20 th
The Big Picture RTI model development and refinement Ongoing PD and coaching to support all aspects of the project Enhanced Tier I core reading instruction through a read routine and CRP Systematic data-analysis meetings Collaboration across partners, the school, and the community A focus on English language learners Improved outcomes for all students
For More Information MCPER website: Project Website: Questions? Vanessa Cortez (Site Coordinator)