Vocabulary Unit 1 Numbers
Word Roots Monoonemonorail Multimanymultifamily Omniallomnibus
Monotonous Mono -- one
Monotonous (adj.) repetitious and uninteresting Uttered in unvaried tone Example: We hiked for hours along the frozen and monotonous road.
Monologue Mono -- one
Monologue (N.) Long speech by one person Example: The class president’s monologue about poverty made an impression on students.
Monarchy Mono -- one
Monarchy (N.) Government ruled by one person Example: When the king died, his daughter ruled the monarchy.
Monopolize Mono -- one
Monopolize (V.) To dominate by excluding others Example: The star athlete monopolized the court.
Multicultural Multi -- many
Multicultural (adj.) relating to several cultures Example: The multicultural students shared ideas from around the world.
Multitude Multi --. many
multitude ( N.) A large number of things or people Example: We were able to see a multitude of people from our seat.
Omniscient Omni -- all
Omniscient (adj.) All-knowing Example: The prophet taught the people about an omniscient and loving God.
Omnipresent Omni --.everywhere
Omnipresent (adj.) Present everywhere Example: Many religions believe in an omnipresent god who is everywhere.
Omnipotent Omni -- all
Omnipotent (adj.) All-powerful The omnipotent superhero saved the city from harm.
Omnivorous Omni -- all
Omnivorous (adj.) Eating both plants and animals Wide ranging in interests Example: The raccoon is omnivorous and will eat both plants and animals.