Academic Vocabulary helps students understand the questions they are being asked on test in multiple subjects. Knowledge of root word meanings helps in decoding unfamiliar words. New vocabulary words will be introduced each week. A Frayer Model for each word is due every Wednesday to check for completeness. Students should complete and study these words throughout the week in preparation of weekly vocabulary quiz. Words followed by an *(asterick) are root words (part of a larger word), and should not be used alone.
Weekly Vocabulary 1/9/2015 Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample ArgumentA reason or set of reasons that something is true Central IdeaMost important point the author makes ConclusionsSumming up of an argument *CosmUniverse, worldMicrocosm, cosmopolitan, cosmos *DiaAcrossDiagram, diametrically, diaphram
Weekly Vocabulary 1/16/15 Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample ConnectionsRelating what you read to something else you know Connotative LanguageThe association that a work brings to mind DetailsIsolated facts that support ideas *Hemi, demi, semiHalfSemifinal, demigod, hemisphere *PortCarryRapport, deportment
Weekly Vocabulary 1/30/2015 Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample EvidenceKnowledge on which to base a belief ThemeA unified idea Point of ViewThe vantage point from which a story is told *credTo believe, trustCredibility, incredible, credit, credential *Voc,vokCallAdvocate, revoke, evocative
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample InteractionA mutual or reciprocal action MetaphorAn Indirect comparison MoodThe way the author makes the reader feel *OmniAll, EveryOmnipotent, omnipresent, omnivore *ProtoFirstPrototype, protocol, protagonist
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample RhetoricThe art of writing or speaking effectively IllustrationsVisual material used to clarify or add to a text SimileA direct comparison using like or as *Doc, doctTeachDocile, doctrine, docrinaire *Ex, eOutExcerpt, excommunicate, exit
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample StanzaA poetry term for a paragraph; a section of a poem StructureOrganization of a text *bioLifeBiology, biochemistry, biodegradable *biblio, bibliBookBibliographer, bibliomanis, biblical *Luc,lumLightLucid, translucent, luminary
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample Figurative LanguageFigures of speech used to make meaning clearer Figurative Language ToneThe author’s attitude or outlook *dic, dictTo say, to speak; to assertDiction, dictionary,dictate *Logue, logoIdea, word, speech, reasonDialogue, monologue, epilogue, logical MonoOneMonologue, monogamist, monograph
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample *PeriAroundPerimeter, periscope, perihpery *PhotoLightPhotography, photoflash, photogenic *ThermHeatThermometer, thermonuclear *tractTo pull, drawAttract, retract, traction *Ir, il,ig,im,inNotInconsiderate, ignoble, illicit
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample *adTo; motion toward; addition to Adhere, admit, adapt, addict *foreBeforeForecast, forethought, foreword *demPeopleDemocracy, epidemic, Democrat *legLawLegal, legislator, legitimate *locPlaceLocal, localize, relocate, dislocate
Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary TermDefinitionExample *FinEnd, limitFinish, finite, infinite, final *Circ,circumAroundCircumference, circle, curcular *cedeTo go; to yieldIntercede, supercede, concede *centOne hundredPercent, bicentennial, centennial *meter, metrMeasureDiameter, metric, millimeter