Angel or angels occurs 294 times “For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.” Acts 23:8
Not eternal Created ~ Neh.9:6 “Innumerable” Heb.12:22 Before Creation of world
Not glorified human Spiritual beings - Heb.1:7 Company not a race [host] Not omniscient - Mt.24:36 Not omnipotent - 2Pet.2:11 Not omnipresent - Dan.9:21
Did God make some evil and some good ? Jude 6 “kept not first estate” 2 Pet.2:4 “angels that sinned” When ? Cause ?
Cherubim – Gen.3:24 Seraphim – Isa. 6:2,6 Archangels – Jude 9 Michael & Gabriel
Kept under control 2 Pet.2:4 “chains” Jude 6 “everlasting chains” Demonology
Worship God – Ps.148:2 Execute vengeance - 2Ths.1:7 Administer God’s law – Gal.3:19 Protect God’s people – Acts 12:11
Instruments of Providence Do not bear message of salvation Helped with life of Jesus Accompany Christ
Help Satan Teach false doctrine Fortune telling - astrology Worship of demons Spiritism
Good - heaven -- Rev.21:12 Evil - hell --- Rev.20:10
Psalms 91:11 Attendant - ministering angels Matt.18:10 Acts 27:23
Col. 2:18 Rev.22:8-9
Angels are an important part of God’s Work Angels rejoice when sinners repent - Lk.15:10
By Arthur PigmanBy Arthur Pigman Evans Church of ChristEvans Church of Christ Evans, GeorgiaEvans, Georgia Sunday Evening – 10 October 2004Sunday Evening – 10 October 2004