Thursday May 2 nd
Objectives Bell Ringer SSR/ Finish Rough Draft of Shortest Short Story If SSR, everyone is to be reading! If working on stories, then everyone is to have the following completed by the end of class: A final rough draft approved by me At least one person must have peer edited your story
Shortest Short Story Final Draft Font Size: Between 12 & 32 Font Style: Any (Must be legible, no “windings”) Word Count For Everyone: 100 Words Stories Must Have A Clever Title Pictures, Clip Art are okay (Not Required) Only Final Drafts Will Be Submitted Name/ Period # in upper-right hand corner
Remember… When typing, every new line of dialogue and/or action gets indented. If your story is a P.O.V. or a monologue you only indent the first line; all the rest go to the margin. To indent, simply press the “tab” button on your computer’s keyboard.
Example Formatting Name Period # Title So, once upon a time there were two frogs that really wanted to live in the city instead of the swamp. They planned their move over the course of a year until the day finally arrived. “Today is the day,” said the first frog to the other. “Yep” replied the other. Then, out of the sky swooped a giant owl. It screeched as it opened its razor sharp talons. “Oh crap!” yelled the first frog. “Help me animal gods!” yelled the second. “I have an idea. We run straight for the big tree, then we split up. Maybe it’ll get confused and that will buy us enough time to escape.” “That sounds stupi-…” So frog one moved to the city that night alone.