Pediatric Brain Tumors
Brain Tumors in Children “Oh, my God, my child/patient has a brain tumor!” Depression!
Brain Tumors in Children What are the symptoms and signs of brain tumors in children? What kinds of tumors are there and how are they treated? Is the outcome always so bad?
Location specific symptoms
סימני אזהרה יתר לחץ תוך גולגלתי שינויים מתקדמים שינויים פוקאליים תינוקות-איחור באבחון
Imaging Studies MRI Emergency CT.
Types of Tumors Brain tumors is children are not common, about 3 cases per 100,000 children less than 15 years of age per year or about 1500 new cases per year. Second only to leukemia in both incidence and mortality.
קליניקה צרבלום: אטקסיה , דיסמטריה וכו' לחץ על חדר רביעי: יתר לחץ תוך גולגלתי אין עירוב עצבים קרניאלים
Medulloblastoma 20% of pediatric brain tumors 40% of posterior fossa tumors
Medulloblastoma Symptoms often those of hydrocephalus/raised ICP--headache, vomiting, diplopia Falling, incoordination Signs: papilledema, EOM paresis, ataxia
טיפול- שלב ראשון אחרים אפנדימומה מדולובלסטומה גליומה בדרגת ממאירות נמוכה אחים אפנדימומה ATRT PNET CPC ועוד... כל שארית =פרוגנוזה פחות טובה כריתה מלאה=ריפוי אך לעתים מספיקה כריתה חלקית כריתה עם שארית >1.5 ס"מ רבוע=סיכון גבוה
Role of Irradiation Effective Toxic
אם אין פיזור: קרינה מקומית כמותרפיה (COG vs. st. Jude) טיפול משלים לאחר כריתה אפנדימומה מדולובלסטומה אפנדימומה HR SR אם אין פיזור: קרינה מקומית קרינה למוח ולחוט (36 גריי) כמותרפיה (st. Jude) קרינה למוח וחוט (24 גריי) כמותרפיה (COG vs. st. Jude) 60-85% 5yr EFS 40-70% EFS
Outcome Radiation + Chemotherapy Study group Historical Probability Probability Study group Historical Months post on study Months post on study CP1150826-1
Prognostic Factors Age ‹2 years, poor prognosis CSF dissemination, poor prognosis Radical resection, good prognosis
CSF Dissemination
Ependymoma 6% of pediatric brain tumors 70% occur in the posterior fossa Hallmark on imaging is extension out of the foramina of the fourth ventricle into the CPA or cervical canal
Medulloblastoma-Survival Current best 5-year survival rates are 70% Not too bad! Survival continues to fall after 5 years. We need radical, new treatments that are effective and eliminate use of radiation
Ependymoma Signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus May be prominent vomiting from invasion of floor of fourth ventricle
אם אין פיזור: קרינה מקומית כמותרפיה (COG vs. st. Jude) טיפול משלים לאחר כריתה אפנדימומה מדולובלסטומה אפנדימומה HR SR אם אין פיזור: קרינה מקומית קרינה למוח ולחוט (36 גריי) כמותרפיה (st. Jude) קרינה למוח וחוט (24 גריי) כמותרפיה (COG vs. st. Jude) 60-85% 5yr EFS 40-70% EFS
Ependymoma Treatment consists of radical resection No question that prognosis is greatly influenced by extent of resection Patients with radiographically confirmed GTR have greater than 80% five-year survival; 20% or less for less than GTR
Astrocytoma Symptoms and signs depend on location. Posterior fossa-symptoms and signs for hydrocephalus. Cerebral hemispheres-focal deficit, seizures. Tumor behavior depends on histology Tumor treatment depends on histology and location
Cerebellar Astrocytoma Pilocytic astrocytoma Diffuse, grade II astrocytoma Grade III or IV astrocytoma in the cerebellum is rare in children
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Pilocytic Astrocytoma Surgical disease We try to remove all tumor But we do not chase tumor into cerebellar peduncle, brainstem
Pilocytic Astrocytoma Post op scan clean, follow 6 month scan clean, may not need any further studies
Cerebellar Astrocytoma Treatment for pilocytic astrocytoma is resection. A gross total resection is goal Controversy: Immediate reoperation for residual tumor?
Cerebellar Astrocytoma
Cerebellar Astrocytoma If postoperative scan shows residual tumor, only about 1/3 will show growth over next 10 years Reasonable to follow for symptoms and with scans, reoperate for progression
Diffuse Pontine Astrocytoma
Brainstem Tumors Called “brainstem glioma”, but not all tumors in the brainstem are the same. Symptoms and signs of brainstem dysfunction: diplopia, swallowing problems, facial weakness, long track signs
קליניקה חסימת חדר רביעי- יתר לחץ תוך גולגלתי לחץ על הצרבלום- סימני מוחון לחץ על מסלולים יורדים- סימני צד לחץ על עצבים קרניאלים- חסרים ספציפיים
Focal Brainstem Astrocytoma No rush to treat. Many are slow growing and cause few symptoms Stereotactic biopsy may be used to establish histology, if needed Treatment for documented growth and/or symptom progression
Diffuse Pontine Astrocytomas Characteristic image, diffuse infiltration of the pons Unresectable No role for biopsy, as patients do poorly regardless of histology
Diffuse Pontine Astrocytomas No controversy, 2 year survival is less than 5%. What is needed is radical, new, effective therapy
Diffuse Pontine Astrocytomas No effective treatment Conventional or hyperfractionated radiation are palliative No effective chemotherapy
Conclusions Brain tumors in children are not common, but must be kept in mind for the child with headache or neurologic symptoms or signs. Subtle findings may be important. “One perceives only what one actively seeks.”
Conclusions Outcome is not as bad as generally thought Pilocytic astrocytomas, grade II astrocytomas, gangliogliomas, choroid plexus papillomas, dermoid tumors all can be treated effectively with surgery alone Medulloblastoma, ependymoma, malignant germ cell tumors have greater than 70% long term survival with surgical resection, radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Conclusions Irradiation is bad for the brain Current research directed at finding focused therapy based on what is known about the molecular biology of the different tumor types.