Jeopardy Definitions Prefixes Root Words Suffixes Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy Definitions Prefixes Root Words Suffixes Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

Jeopardy Definitions Prefixes Root Words Suffixes Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Language Arts The definition of biopsy?

$100 Answer Language Arts What is an examination of tissue removed from a living body?

$200 Question from Language Arts The definition of monosyllable?

$200 Answer from Language Arts What is a word or utterance consisting of one syllable?

$300 Question from Language Arts The definition of anachronism?

$300 Answer from Language Arts What is a thing belonging to a period other than which it exists?

$400 Question from Language Arts The definition of misanthrope?

$400 Answer from Language Arts What is a person who dislikes humankind or avoids society?

$500 Question from Language Arts The definition of xenophobia?

$500 Answer from Language Arts What is an intense dislike or fear of people from other countries?

$100 Question from Prefixes What does the word “micro” mean? Example: microscope, microbe

$100 Answer from Prefixes What is small?

$200 Question from Prefixes What does the prefix “therm/thermo” mean? Examples: thermometer, thermal

$200 Answer from Prefixes What is heat?

$300 Question from Prefixes What does the prefix “tele” mean? Examples: telegraph, telescope

$300 Answer from Prefixes What is far or distance?

$400 Question from Prefixes What does the prefix “anti” mean? Examples: antisocial, antiseptic

$400 Answer from Prefixes What is against, opposite, or opposing?

$500 Question from Prefixes What does the prefix “trans” mean? Examples: transcontinental, transfer

$500 Answer from Prefixes What is across, beyond, or through?

$100 Question from Root Words The root “aqua” means what? Examples: aquarium, aqueduct

$100 Answer from Root Words What is water?

$200 Question from Root Words The root “bene” means what? Examples: Benefactor, beneficial

$200 Answer from Root Words What is good?

$300 Question from Root Words The root “mono” means what? Examples: monologue, mononucleus

$300 Answer from Root Words What is one?

$400 Question from Root Words What does the root “temp” mean? Examples: contemporary, temporary

$400 Answer from Root Words What is time?

$500 Question from Root Words What does the root “chrom” mean? Examples: monochromatic, achromatic

$500 Answer from Root Words What is color/pigment?

$100 Question from Suffixes What does the suffix “phone” mean? Examples: homophone, telephone

$100 Answer from Suffixes What is sound?

$200 Question from Suffixes What does the suffix “logue/log” mean? Examples: Monologue, dialogue

$200 Answer from Suffixes What is speech/to speak?

$300 Question from Suffixes What does the suffix “gram” mean? Examples: cardiogram, telegram

$300 Answer from Suffixes What is written or drawn, or a record?

$400 Question from Suffixes What does the suffix “logy” mean? Examples: Dermatology, phraseology

$400 Answer from Suffixes What is the study of?

$500 Question from Suffixes What does the suffix “phile” mean? Examples: Audiophile, Francophile

$500 Answer from Suffixes What is a person that loves or has a strong affinity for?

Final Jeopardy The definition of pandemic.

Final Jeopardy Answer What is a disease prevalent over a large area?