There are numerous resources There are numerous resources available to those wishing to aid the available to those wishing to aid the growth of Lionism growth of Lionism This is by no means a complete listing – however we’re certain, when considering those matters we do mention, you’ll appreciate there’s considerable assistance available This is by no means a complete listing – however we’re certain, when considering those matters we do mention, you’ll appreciate there’s considerable assistance available There are numerous resources There are numerous resources available to those wishing to aid the available to those wishing to aid the growth of Lionism growth of Lionism This is by no means a complete listing – however we’re certain, when considering those matters we do mention, you’ll appreciate there’s considerable assistance available This is by no means a complete listing – however we’re certain, when considering those matters we do mention, you’ll appreciate there’s considerable assistance available
Go to the Multiple District website: Go to the Multiple District website: where you’ll find a range of publications and tips on growing membership in existing clubs, on forming new clubs, of better retention through Club Care - the Club Improvement Program, as well as matters associated with Leadership. By early March we anticipate the release on this site of the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program where you’ll find a range of publications and tips on growing membership in existing clubs, on forming new clubs, of better retention through Club Care - the Club Improvement Program, as well as matters associated with Leadership. By early March we anticipate the release on this site of the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program Go to the Multiple District website: Go to the Multiple District website: where you’ll find a range of publications and tips on growing membership in existing clubs, on forming new clubs, of better retention through Club Care - the Club Improvement Program, as well as matters associated with Leadership. By early March we anticipate the release on this site of the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program where you’ll find a range of publications and tips on growing membership in existing clubs, on forming new clubs, of better retention through Club Care - the Club Improvement Program, as well as matters associated with Leadership. By early March we anticipate the release on this site of the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program
Early in Lions Year , subject to Council of Governors approval, the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program will be printed as a manual for distribution to each Lions Club within the Multiple District ‘The Pride in Growth’ Sponsor Certificates and the ‘Pride in Growth’ Silver and Gold Statuettes are being funded by Multiple District via the Membership Services budget Early in Lions Year , subject to Council of Governors approval, the full ‘Pride in Growth’ Program will be printed as a manual for distribution to each Lions Club within the Multiple District ‘The Pride in Growth’ Sponsor Certificates and the ‘Pride in Growth’ Silver and Gold Statuettes are being funded by Multiple District via the Membership Services budget
The Membership Services Manager, the respective MD Chairman for Membership, Extension, Retention and Leadership are available to assist with Workshops, Seminars and District Conventions – State Membership Extension Retention Coordinators and the State Leadership Chairman are available also to assist Districts in their State and or Territory with Workshops, Seminars and District Conventions The Membership Services Manager, the respective MD Chairman for Membership, Extension, Retention and Leadership are available to assist with Workshops, Seminars and District Conventions – State Membership Extension Retention Coordinators and the State Leadership Chairman are available also to assist Districts in their State and or Territory with Workshops, Seminars and District Conventions
Financial Matters Financial Matters Providing the MD membership remains above 27,000 the 50% reduction in MD Dues for related persons two through to five in the same household will Continue A MD subsidy rebate of $20 per person applies for each New Lion in a Charter Club. The rebate is paid to the new Club Financial Matters Financial Matters Providing the MD membership remains above 27,000 the 50% reduction in MD Dues for related persons two through to five in the same household will Continue A MD subsidy rebate of $20 per person applies for each New Lion in a Charter Club. The rebate is paid to the new Club
Other Financial Matters Multiple District for a fee of $12 per 100 can supply names and addresses for mail outs associated with Membership Campaigns for existing and new Clubs - Special Lions delivery envelopes are available at $7 per hundred – printing of invitations and RSVP forms can also be arranged at cost Multiple District for a fee of $12 per 100 can supply names and addresses for mail outs associated with Membership Campaigns for existing and new Clubs - Special Lions delivery envelopes are available at $7 per hundred – printing of invitations and RSVP forms can also be arranged at cost A fee of just $20 per Club applies when using the Lions Market Researcher to tabulate results associated with Club Care surveys A fee of just $20 per Club applies when using the Lions Market Researcher to tabulate results associated with Club Care surveys
Supplies from MD Office include: Supplies from MD Office include: * New member kits FREE * New member kits FREE * Australian new member presentation folders $3 * Australian new member presentation folders $3 * Public promotions pack FREE * Public promotions pack FREE * We Make Things Happen brochures packs of 100 $19 * We Make Things Happen brochures packs of 100 $19 * People just Like You brochures packs of 100 $13 * People just Like You brochures packs of 100 $13 * BBQ Cards – packs of 100 $15 * BBQ Cards – packs of 100 $15 Supplies from MD Office include: Supplies from MD Office include: * New member kits FREE * New member kits FREE * Australian new member presentation folders $3 * Australian new member presentation folders $3 * Public promotions pack FREE * Public promotions pack FREE * We Make Things Happen brochures packs of 100 $19 * We Make Things Happen brochures packs of 100 $19 * People just Like You brochures packs of 100 $13 * People just Like You brochures packs of 100 $13 * BBQ Cards – packs of 100 $15 * BBQ Cards – packs of 100 $15
While we wish to focus on our Australian ‘Pride in Growth’ Program, there is a wealth of material associated with each element of MERL on the LCI website: LCI continues to provide a 50% reduction in the International portion of member dues to the second through to fifth member of a family residing at the one address While we wish to focus on our Australian ‘Pride in Growth’ Program, there is a wealth of material associated with each element of MERL on the LCI website: LCI continues to provide a 50% reduction in the International portion of member dues to the second through to fifth member of a family residing at the one address
If not already in place see if your District is able to supply any or all of the following: to supply any or all of the following: * A family rate 50% reduction in District Dues * A family rate 50% reduction in District Dues * Subsidy for Clubs conducting major * Subsidy for Clubs conducting major membership campaigns or sponsoring new Clubs membership campaigns or sponsoring new Clubs * A District Regalia Fund * A District Regalia Fund * An Australia Post Reply Paid service * An Australia Post Reply Paid service * Community Service Starter Funds Account for * Community Service Starter Funds Account for each new Charter Club each new Charter Club If not already in place see if your District is able to supply any or all of the following: to supply any or all of the following: * A family rate 50% reduction in District Dues * A family rate 50% reduction in District Dues * Subsidy for Clubs conducting major * Subsidy for Clubs conducting major membership campaigns or sponsoring new Clubs membership campaigns or sponsoring new Clubs * A District Regalia Fund * A District Regalia Fund * An Australia Post Reply Paid service * An Australia Post Reply Paid service * Community Service Starter Funds Account for * Community Service Starter Funds Account for each new Charter Club each new Charter Club