School Improvement Plans & EESACs Charter Schools August 2, 2012 Charter Schools August 2, 2012
Pursuant to Section VI. I. of the contractual agreement, “An Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) will be established consistent with Florida Statute to facilitate achievement of the mission of the School, and to ensure that the School meets the needs of the children and community it is developed to serve. To this end, the School will detail and address the following components, for its EESAC: (a) establishment of by-laws; (b) composition of membership; (c) election procedures; and (d) communication and posting of meeting agendas and minutes pursuant to Florida Statute (Sunshine Law).”
Should always include: Review report from the Leadership Team on SIP implementation of goal area strategies, including: Data Programs Materials Review results of FCIM and MTSS/RtI monitoring
Generated from Current Roster accessed from the OSI webpage. All others who are not listed as either Voting or Alternate member. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT OF THE LISTING, ONLY CUT AND PASTE TO APPLICABLE BOX. Check your Bylaws!!
Bylaws and Rosters are accessed through the “Edit the EESAC Roster” button Post and verify the minutes of all EESAC meetings using the “Edit the EESAC Minutes” button
School Advisory Councils (EESACs) The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan. Each School Advisory Council assists in the annual preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and in the preparation of the school's annual budget. – Majority of members must be non-District employees – Schedule appropriate meetings (5 Day notice) through Citizens’ Information website – New charter schools for must create an EESAC. Contact the OSI office for assistance in: – Developing Bylaws; – Creating Rosters; and – Posting meeting requests and minutes
1 Update EESAC roster & by-laws 1 Update EESAC roster & by-laws 2 Conduct needs assessments 2 Conduct needs assessments 3 Incorporate staff recommendations for SIP 3 Incorporate staff recommendations for SIP 4 Document EESAC contributions in developing the SIP in EESAC Minutes 4 Document EESAC contributions in developing the SIP in EESAC Minutes 7 Present SIP to EESAC and staff prior to posting to FLBSI 7 Present SIP to EESAC and staff prior to posting to FLBSI 5 Conduct SIP reviews by district and Charter staff 5 Conduct SIP reviews by district and Charter staff 8 Present SIP to District School Board for approval 8 Present SIP to District School Board for approval 6 Administer Baseline assessments and to identify needs 6 Administer Baseline assessments and to identify needs 9 Monitor implementation of strategies and document in EESAC Minutes 9 Monitor implementation of strategies and document in EESAC Minutes 10 Administer Interim Assessments and conduct data analysis for adjustments to SIP 10 Administer Interim Assessments and conduct data analysis for adjustments to SIP 11 Post Mid-year data and narrative to FLBSI site 11 Post Mid-year data and narrative to FLBSI site 12 Involve all stakeholders in evaluating SIP strategies and make recommendations for Involve all stakeholders in evaluating SIP strategies and make recommendations for M-DCPS - Curriculum and Instruction, Office of School Improvement
Approve The SIP Monitor The SIP Evaluate The SIP
Everyone received training on the development of the SIP; First draft of the SIP was uploaded by June 22, 2012 to OSI; OSI staff is reviewing the draft and will provide feedback to your school; and SIP reviews will be conducted between Sept , 2012 Where are we now……….
New to the SIP this year… Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) – Must be completed by any school which administered the FAA during the school year and will continue to do so in Appendix XVI; CELLA – Must be completed by any school which administered the CELLA during the school year and will continue to do so in Appendix XV; Career and Technical Education (CTE) – for schools with grades 6-12 Appendix XII; and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) – Appendix XIII
Also new to the SIP this year… Algebra I, Geometry and Biology– Baseline must be administered to all students currently enrolled in these courses. SIP strategies should be aligned to the results of the District Baseline/EOC 2012; Civics – Baseline must be administered, and this section must be completed by all schools with a 7 th grade. - Appendix XI; and U. S. History – Baseline must be administered, and this section must be completed by all schools with an 11 th grade. - Appendix XI.
You must scan to Edusoft in order for this to be populated.
School Improvement Plan Current and Expected Level of Performance Reading Math/EOC Science/ Biology Attendance Suspension Dropout Prevention 18 Graduation U.S History/ Civics Writing
CLICK HERE! DUE October 12, 2012
DISTRICT TIMELINES ARE 1 WEEK PRIOR TO STATE TIMELINES!! Make sure that you check the OSI website to ensure required timelines.
Click here! DO NOT USE THIS
SAVE Open each section from the left side menu. Update per information on your MSWord template. Save after each entry.
Confirm and/or update all sections and SAVE each page as you go. Check each folder to confirm updates have been completed. Pending Charter schools should insert the name of the Governing Board Director instead of the Principal.
Remember that this is a team process. The Charter School Office and the Office of School Improvement can provide assistance. Communication is ongoing for all stakeholders. Updates can be made throughout the year. Adhere to the timelines for SIP development. Provide assurances through EESAC minutes. Planning, Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the SIP Process
25 School Advisory Councils (EESACs) ◦ Majority of members must be non-District employees ◦ Schedule appropriate meetings ◦ Describe how you are going to use the EESAC funds ◦ Describe the activities of the EESAC for Monitor implementation of the SIP through ongoing data analysis…………
26 Next Steps Update the SIP draft based upon feedback from OSI prior to the scheduled SIP Reviews (Sept , 2012). Complete revisions, share with school staff (faculty meeting), and EESAC prior to posting to by October 12, EESAC Minutes must document the review and approval of the SIP. Administer the Baseline Assessments and complete Edusoft scans by Friday, September 7, 2012, 4:30 p.m. Post Baseline data to by October 19, 2012 ASK FOR HELP!!
Office of School Improvement Ms. Dolores de la Guardia Ms. Dolores de la Guardia Dr. Sherian Demetrius Dr. Sherian Demetrius Ms. Linda Fife Ms. Pamela Wentworth Ms. Pamela Wentworth Ms. Rosario Dumas Ms. Rosario Dumas Mr. Nelson Suarez Mr. Nelson Suarez