1 International Gas Union IGU Council, Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings in Russia, St. Petersburg (October 2007) Essen, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

1 International Gas Union IGU Council, Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings in Russia, St. Petersburg (October 2007) Essen, 2008

2 International Gas Union The Council, Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings of the second half of 2007, took place at Nevskiy Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia on October

3 International Gas Union Meeting attendees: Officers: President Mr. Ernesto Lopez Anadon Vice-President Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim Immediate Past President Mr. George H.B. Verberg Secretary General Mr. Peter K. Storm Chairman of CC Mr. Roberto D. Brandt Assistant to the Secretary General Mrs. Lotta Hallen-Kragh Ms. Barbara Anette Schmid Honorary Presidents Mr. Hans Jorgen Rasmusen Mr. Claude Detourne IGU COUNCIL MEETING Nevskij Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia - 24 October, representatives and 20 guests from 33 countries have registered for the meeting.

4 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING List of Decisions 1. Minutes of the Council Meeting in Lima on 18 October 2006 were approved. 2. The suggestion of issuing a Strategic statement was approved. 3. The Council approved the application from Overgas, Inc. in Bulgaria to become a new Charter Member. 4. The Council approved the applications from INGAA, China National Petroleum Company and TAQA - Arab Company for Energy to become new Associate Members. 5. The Council accepted Alcatel-Lucent as a Supporter of IGU. 6. The Council approved the accounts for The Council approved the budget for 2008.

5 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING List of Decisions 8. The Council elected Mr. Torstein Indreboe as Secretary General of IGU for a 6-year period from 1 November The Council approved the creation of the new title, Honorary Secretary General. 10. The Council approved that Mr. Peter Storm was awarded the title of Honorary Secretary General. 11. The Council approved the concept of the WGC 2009 as presented by Mr. Ojea Quintana.

6 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Information from the Presidency and the Secretary General The President stated that it was now the time to find Charter members willing to take on the responsibility of the IGU for the Triennium and being prepared to host the 26th World Gas Conference in The deadline for applying was 1 March It will be discussed in the EXC session in March 2008 and the decision will be taken at the Council meeting 2008 in Korea. Also in August another letter was sent out to all IGU members concerning secondment of a young person to IGU Secretariat as a part of their career plan. More proposals were welcome.

7 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Membership The Council approved Overgas (Bulgaria) as a new Charter Member of IGU On the issue of Associate Membership there are 3 applications: the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), China National Petroleum Corporation and TAQA - Arab Company for Energy (Egypt). The Council approved the applications.

8 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Finance The IGU Accounts 2006 was audited in March 2007 and endorsed by the Executive Committee at the meeting in May. The Council approved the accounts for The Executive Committee endorsed the budget 2008 during the meeting on 23/10. The budget calculates with an income of EUR, and expenditures of EUR has been prepared together with the Incoming Secretary General. The Council approved the budget for 2008

9 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Election of new Secretary General After 7 years as Secretary General time has come to say goodbye to Peter Storm and elect his successor as Secretary General until the Council meeting in October 2013, in accordance with the Articles of Association. New candidate - Mr. Torstein Indreboe (Norway). Mr. Indreboe presented the team that will help him maintain the high standards for the Secretariat, namely Mr. Hans Riddervold, Mr. Erik Gonder and Ms. Barbara Schmid. The Council elected Mr. Torstein Indreboe as Secretary General of IGU for a 6-year period from 1 November Mr. Peter Storm was given the title of Honorary Secretary General.

10 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Progress Report from the Coordination Committee Technical Teams: Currently 731 study group members were organised in the Committees. A joint committee project re CO2 Sequestration had been set up. Internal discussions about a Best Practice inventory had been taking place among TF R&D, WOC 4 and WOC 5 in Moscow. Discussion about a possible Joint Committee Meeting on Monetization of difficult gas reserves had taken place. The Malaysian presidency could later decide whether the project should be conducted or not. IGM now had its work integrated into IGU with the work going on in the two SG Natural Gas Industry Outlook Study The CC Chairman explained the structure of the study and hereby introduced the eight experts of the Steering committee. Mr. Marc Hall, Chairman of the IGU Marketing Committee (IGM) presented the study groups and presentation areas for the World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires. Participation in IGM sessions and study groups is warmly encouraged among more IGU members

11 International Gas Union IGU COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Preparations for the 24 th WGC in Buenos Aires, Argentina in Oct Mr. Eduardo Ojea Quintana, Chairman of the National Organising Committee presented the current status of the preparations, which are proceeding very well. The WGC 2009 web site ( has currently been updated and now also includes details on The Argentine Triennium (including Strategic Guidelines, Triennial Work Programme, Call for Papers, floor plan, list of exhibitors). The Council approved the concept of the WGC 2009 as presented by Mr. Ojea Quintana The next Council meeting will take place in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea on September 2008.

12 International Gas Union Meeting attendees: Officers: President Mr. Ernesto Lopez Anadon Vice-President Mr. Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim Immediate Past President Mr. George H.B. Verberg Secretary General Mr. Peter K. Storm Chairman of CC Mr. Roberto D. Brandt Vice Chairman of CC Mr. Ho Sook Wah Secretary of CC Mr. Andres Kidd Assistant to the Secretary General Ms. Barbara Anette Schmid EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Nevskij Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia - 23 October, 2007 and 18 members and 3 special guests from 15 countries have registered for the meeting.

13 International Gas Union EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING List of Decisions 1. The Minutes of the EXC meeting held in Montreux, Switzerland May 4, 2007 were approved. 2. The EXC took note of the document about Strategic Statements. 3. Torstein Indrebø was endorsed by the EXC as Secretary General of IGU for a six-year period. 4. The EXC took note of the report on the current status with of TWP. 5. The EXC endorsed the report on preparations for the 24th WGC in The EXC endorsed the new applicants for Charter and Associate member of IGU as well as an application from a Supporter. 7. The EXC endorsed the IGU Budget for 2008 for Council approval.

14 International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights: Progress Report from the Coordination Committee The Chairman of the Coordination Committee informed about the work of his Committee. He also reminded the Key-milestones of the Triennium. They are as follows: Key-milestones of the Triennium 1 June 2008: Issuing call for papers 1 February 2009: Abstract submission 15 April 2009: Author notification 15 July 2009: Full paper submission The presentation is also available on the IGU website.

15 International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights: Report on preparation for the 24th World Gas Conference Mr. Eduardo Ojea Quintana, Chairman of the National Organising Committee presented the current status of the preparations, which were going very well. The presentation is also available on the IGU website. The EXC endorsed the report on preparations for the 24th World Gas Conference in 2009.

16 International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights: Miscellaneous The President announced the next meeting will take place in Trinidad and Tobago on 27 March Mr. Frank Look Kin, host and CEO of the national LNG Company in Trinidad & Tobago gave a presentation about the country and its gas industry. The President thanked the Secretary General for his work done in IGU. This had been his last meeting in the EXC as Secretary General.

17 International Gas Union Meeting attendees: 23 participants from 11 countries have taken part in the meeting COORDINATION COMMITTEE MEETING Nevskij Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia - 23 October, 2007

18 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Information from the Chairman RB introduced Mr. Torstein Indrebo, the incoming IGU Secretary General, and Hans Riddervold, Senior Advisor to the IGU Secretariat. The all-time record in the history of IGU membership (731 members in the IGU committees) is fixed. Regarding new applications, he indicated that the CC should remain open and flexible to new membership. Regarding the projects for this triennium, he informed that this meeting would be the inflection point in terms of new projects, so as to dedicate a full focus on the projects embarked. Any new proposal that is considered to have merit would be passed to the Malaysian team for their consideration

19 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Update on IGU activities Knowledge Centre: BP and TOTAL are already providing their support to answer the different inquiries received by the Secretariat. Efficiency Award: the project (detailed in the past CC meeting) has been completed and will be presented at the Council for approval. Interactive map: the map with country information (general and gas industry related) is already online.

20 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Update and revision of IGU/CC activities The following issues were considered: -Comments/approval on minutes of CC meeting #2 in Montreux Natural Gas Industry Outlook Study (NGIO): status and next steps -Joint committee meeting (JCM) on CO2 Sequestration (May 2007): status and next steps -Joint committee meeting on Natural Gas Monetisation (2008): project proposal -Joint WOC 4 / WOC 5 / TF R&D meeting (September 2007) -Initiative on “IGU Best Practice Ideas and Proposals”: project proposal, followed by discussion on focus and next steps

21 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Joint activities with other organisations International Energy Agency (IEA) The mutual project support (Gas Market Review of IEA and the 2030 NGIO project of IGU) continued, as well as the Energy Efficiency Indicators project through WOC5. International Energy Forum (IEF) IGU has been honoured with an invitation to attend the next Meeting, planned in April Furthermore, IGU is organising a joint meeting with IEF in March 2008, to discuss the strategic role of natural gas in the global energy matrix. World Petroleum Council (WPC) / Madrid Congress (29 June - 3 July, 2008) R. Brandt informed that WPC has reserved a slot for IGU in their next conference in June 2008, in Madrid, where J. Doumanian and some representatives from TF GMI will organise a panel on Gas Marketing Integration. R. Brandt will also participate, providing an introduction.

22 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Miscellanea - IGRC Conference / Paris ( October, 2008) R. Aptroot made a presentation regarding the technical programme in preparation for the conference R. Brandt stressed that it would be helpful for both IGRC and also for the work of the committees if some members from each committee could attend. - Articles for IGU Magazine #9 RB reminded that the progress reports and articles (like the case of TF GMI) should be delivered by December 15th. The next CC meeting is confirmed on March 27th, 2008, in Trinidad Tobago. Further details will be provided closer to this date.

23 International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Status reports from the committees The Chairmen of each committee provided a presentation on the status of their group’s work. (The full presentation of the CC membership can be found at the IGU web-site) Wrap up R. Brandt suggested that for the next round of meetings of the technical committees there should be a focus on issues related to the organization of the WGC2009 activities, particularly on the Call for Papers, as well as to start defining the structure of the sessions.

24 Thank you for attention