Year 8AD Speaking and Listening Assessment
Learning Objectives We will: Develop our ability to assess each others work using a success criteria Become more familiar with what is required to get a level 5 in Speaking and Listening
Speaking and Listening What makes a good speech?
Task Imagine you are a superhero. Like every superhero, you got your powers after an accident. Batman fell into a Bat cave for example. Write a 3 minute monologue explaining how and when you got your powers, what they are and how you use them.
Task Answer the following questions to help you get started: How did you get your superpowers? Where did this happen? When did this happen? What powers did you get? Why did you chose to use them for good? Do you like being a superhero?
Example Take a look at the example. Your layout should look like the one on the board. Once you read it, put some emotion into it!
Lesson 2 We will: Develop our ability to assess each others work using a success criteria Become more familiar with what is required to get a level 5 in Speaking and Listening
Success Criteria To get a Level 5 in this task you must: 1. Be confident and be able to speak formally. 2. Speak clearly and project your voice. 3. Fully engage the interest of the listener. 4. Vary your expression and vocabulary. 5. Pay close attention to what others say in discussions 6. Ask questions to develop ideas and make contributions that take account of others’ views.
Task Get into groups of 6 Label each person in your group with a number from 1-6. Together, take 2 minutes to listen to each others presentations and give each other tips on how you could perform better
Task Starting with number 1, take turns in your group to be filmed. You have 10 minutes to get every member of your grouped filmed. If they make a mistake, you are allowed to re-take once.
Have you been filmed? 1.YES!
Task After each video, assess how you think the pupil did in their task. Use the success criteria to judge the performance. Give the pupil a level and a reason from the success criteria as to why you have awarded that level.
What level did pupil 1 achieve? 1.Level 4 2.Level 5
What level did pupil 2 achieve? 1.Level 4 2.Level 5
What level did pupil 3 achieve? 1.Level 4 2.Level 5
What level did pupil 4 achieve? 1.Level 4 2.Level 5
What level did pupil 5 achieve? 1.Level 4 2.Level 5
Develop our ability to assess each others work using the success criteria. Did we achieve this? 1.Yes, definitely! 2.No, I think I could develop this more.
Become more familiar with what is required to get a level 5 in a speaking and listening task Did we achieve this? 1.Yes, definitely! 2.No, I think I could develop this more