1 16 June 2006 Space Link Services Area report to CESG Rome, Italy, 16 June 2006 J.L. Gerner / G. Moury
3 16 June SLS-RFM - RF & Modulation BOF 2.SLS-RNG – Ranging WG 3.SLS-TCC – Telecommand Channel Coding WG 4.SLS-C&S – Coding & Synchronization WG 5.SLS-LEC - Long Erasure Codes BOF 6.SLS-HDRU – High Data Rate Uplink WG 7.SLS-SLP – Space Link Protocols WG 8.SLS-PROX – Proximity Links-1 Build-2 WG 9.SLS-DC – Data Compression WG A.LIST OF CURRENT WGs AND BOFs WITHIN AREA SLS AREA REPORT
4 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.RFM WG Goal: align B with WRC-03, SFCG-23 and SFCG-24 Working Group Status: Completed work Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
5 16 June RFM WG Working Group Summary progress: Review of Agency RIDs to RF&Mod Recs (401): RIDs (mostly editorial) dispositioned RES1 to elevate these recommendations to blue status IOAG and SFCG liaison statements on BW-efficient modulation recommendations Response prepared in Fall2005 updated in light of above agency review RES2 to forward response liaison statements to IOAG & SFCG SLS AREA REPORT
6 16 June RFM BOF Status: BOF worked on Lunar/Martian mission profiles Need for 22/26/32 GHz modulation schemes as well as 2 GHz techniques for Moon missions identified (401). New WG to develop recommendations as needed based on requirements expressed by HRU WG Need to update green book on BW-efficient modulation (413) identified including normative/informative split Request by CESG to review green book on RF compatibility test procedures (412) considered Future work/charter: Charter for new SLS-RFM WG agreed by BOF SLS approved new charter RES3 for approval of RFM WG charter SLS AREA REPORT
7 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 2.RNG WG Goal: issue blue book on novel ranging techniques Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress AREA REPORT
8 16 June RNG WG Working Group Summary progress: Current status: PN Ranging White Issue 2 book drafted Contains all PN code options identified so far Metrics for comparison/selection code(s) agreed Two independent simulation results available for most performance criteria Missing simulation as well as hardware test results expected in Spring 2007 Future work/charter: Future work continues as per charter – no changes/delays foreseen; Red book due July 2007 SLS AREA REPORT
9 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 3.SLS-TCC: Telecommand Channel Coding WG (1 of 2) Goal: Development of a Telecommand Channel Coding Green Book. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress : See next slide status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
10 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 3.SLS-TCC: Telecommand Channel Coding WG (2 of 2) Working Group Summary progress: Green Book Poll: adopted by CMC, but no CESG quorum (2 Approve + 1 Abstain). SLS Area requests full approval by CESG. Technical Corrigendum to BB B-1 TC Sync & Ch Coding produced and processed – To Be on the CCSDS Publications page… soon. The WG supported also the High Rate Uplink (HRU) WG Meeting Working Group Future: The WG will deactivate as soon as the books are published. WG Members are expected to continue contributing/monitoring the HRU work. The WG will reactivate based on input task by HRU WG. SLS AREA REPORT
11 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (1 of 5) Goal : - Issue TM Channel Coding GB - Issue new codes experimental (orange) book(s) Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress : See next slide status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:X SLS AREA REPORT
12 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (2 of 5) Working Group Summary progress : Telemetry Channel Coding Green Book is under CESG+CMC Poll. SLS solicits CESG voting (closing 23/6). Orange Book on LDPC Codes by GSFC & JPL : CESG Poll rejected the Books (complaints to CCSDS procedures?). Poll result “revoked” by CESG Chair. Eventually NASA decided to merge the books. Merged version submitted to WG. Conflict about Bit Numbering conventions applied by GSFC/JPL to be fixed before publication. No technical change declared, but possible technical improvement presented by JPL (for their part) for future versions. RES9: SLS Area submits NASA Orange Book for approval by CESG SLS AREA REPORT
13 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (3 of 5) Working Group Summary progress : Orange Book on ESA SCCC: New Draft provided. HW Demo held. CNES Orange Book for Telemetry Frames over DVB-S2. Initial Draft provided. General: The WG continues applying collaborative attitude on Orange Books without implying consensus. CNES presented issues with Idle Data when CCSDS Randomizer is used (High Data Rates problem). A search for a more powerful randomizer likely to be future task for this WG. Round Table on Profiles & Requirements (Joint with RF&M) show no prospect for quick move towards a BB. Agencies are however asked to produce profiles for future applications of Channel Coding. SLS AREA REPORT
14 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (4 of 5) Orange Books are not a CCSDS final objective but only one tool supporting development of BBs Risk of seing agencies developing each their own standard based on their OB SLS proposals: 1.Highlight on CCSDS web site and in publications the unique ‘ primary’ status of BBs as approved standards and classify the rest under ‘ other books’ or ‘ supporting material’ 2.Put in place a new WG on next generation TM systems with ‘mission-minded’ members to identify mission needs and produce requirements SLS AREA REPORT
15 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (5 of 5) Working Group Summary progress : Joint activity performed with SLP for CRC clarification issues (shared area: Coding expertise needed for Books under SLP responsibility). Remarks: CRC is used in several books (e.g. TC, TM, Prox-1). Possible clarification discussed. Agreement to be reached about inserting figures (i.e. Logical Diagrams) into the books. Draft figures produced for discussion (eventual exchange foreseen). Focus is now on improving the affected Blue Books. Possible point of discussion for the future: Should CRC issues on e.g. techniques, performances, reference code, etc. be collected together as Green Book material? Proposal to be analysed by the WG. SLS AREA REPORT
16 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 6.SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes (‘tornado codes’) BOF (1 of 2) Goal: Make, if conclusive, a proposal for the creation of a WG on application of long erasure-correction codes. BOF Status : Active BOF Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: NASA and ESA reports presented. Technical progress positive. Decision on creation of WG planned to be taken at this Spring 2006 meeting. Only NASA in favour of creation of a WG status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: work in progress SLS AREA REPORT
17 16 June 2006 B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 6.SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes (‘tornado codes’) BOF (2 of 2) Working Group Summary progress: Difficulties in having right perception by other Areas felt. This is an important issue since the implied coding solutions would penetrate also into higher layers data structures (e.g. post –pass recovery of “erased” frames or packets). BOF is extended to 2007 with the targets below for better inter-area discussion: Production of profiles addressing: Scenario with limited number of erasures; Scenario with High number of erasures; Intermediate scenario. Design, for the profiles above, of LEC solutions addressing both: Approach at Frame level (i.e. constant length input data) Approach at (Space/CFDP) Packet level (i.e. variable length input data). SLS AREA REPORT
18 16 June High Rate Uplink WG Goal: Address the high rate uplink requirements from the IOAG. Provide technical recommendations in the areas of RF&Modulation, Coding, and Link Layer protocols in support of the Lunar Exploration Missions and extension to deep space. WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: Good progress. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
19 16 June High Rate Uplink WG (cnt’d) WG Summary progress: WG examined use of CC(7,1/2) code with CCSDS TC link protocol to provide 4 to 6 dB added coding gain. Fabrizio Pollara to provide white (concept) paper on the performance characteristics of this code i.e., CC(7,1/2) with the BCH. Others are of the belief that the BCH code and the CC(7,1/2) don’t marry well - due to average burst error length out of Viterbi decoder – swamps BCH error detection capability SLS AREA REPORT
20 16 June High Rate Uplink WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Is the low hanging fruit solution sufficient? How far do we need to go? SLS AREA REPORT
21 16 June High Rate Uplink WG (cnt’d) Planning : Deliver the White paper to the WG by Aug.30, 2006 Action on the WG to develop application profiles and associated requirements SLS AREA REPORT
22 16 June SLS-SLP WG Goal: Progress Overview of Space Communication GB to next version. Progress Space Data Link Protocol draft GB to a Green book. Progress Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol draft GB to Green book. Progress Pink Sheets to Space Link Identifiers to Blue. Verify that the Encapsulation Service progresses to Blue. Verify that the AOS pink Sheets progresses to Blue. BOF Status: Active X Idle ____ BOF Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
23 16 June 2006 SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) SLS-SLP Summary progress: Takahiro answered the questions concerning: Draft Space Data Link Protocol GB Version 1 of Space Communications protocol GB ESA needs to get back to Takahiro to close the loop on Takahiro’s responses. Prox-1 GB needs to go out to the community as a green book (Aug. 15) Performance Analysis of Frame selection rules will be supplied in this book before release Later versions will include RF&Mod, Coding& synch, and more link layer performance issue discussions. Pink sheet to Space Link Identifiers discussed and consensus obtained at the WG level. Make sure that we don’t lose track of two SLS documents that are in the pipeline to become blue: AOS Space Data Link Pink Sheets (to enhance frame seq counter) Encapsulation Service to Blue SLS AREA REPORT
24 16 June 2006 SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: No other additional problems or issues. SLS AREA REPORT
25 16 June 2006 SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Planning : Provide Prox-1 GB to secretariat by Aug. 15 Continue development of Prox-1 GB on performance issues across RF&MOD, Coding & synchronization, link layer. SLS AREA REPORT
26 16 June 2006 SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : RES4 requests the a) Space Data Link Protocols and b) Overview of Space Communications Protocols be published as a) new green book and b) an updated GB RES5 requests the Prox-1 GB be published as Version 1.0 SLS AREA REPORT
27 16 June Prox-1 Build-2 WG Goal: Progress the Pink Sheet on the Prox-1 Space Data Link Protocol concerning the Frame Prioritization Rules within the Data Link layer of Proximity-1 Provide performance analysis on these rules within the Prox-1 GB WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
28 16 June Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) WG Summary progress: Performance Analysis guidelines established. Details to be provided in Prox-1 GB version 1. SLS AREA REPORT
29 16 June Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: CESG poll on Prox Data Link Pink Sheets: no quorum? (SIS comments addressed & settled) SLS AREA REPORT
30 16 June Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Planning : Work completion by end SLS AREA REPORT
31 16 June Data compression WG Goal: Specify an image compression algorithm fulfilling identified space mission requirements Develop a subsequent recommendation together with the supporting information (performances, usage, reference software, etc …). Working Group Status: Active X Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT
32 16 June Data compression WG (cnt’d) Working Group Summary progress: New members: NOAA and Alcatel Alenia Space (AAS) Released Image Data Compression BB B.1 2 comments received. Image Data Compression Green book is being re-organized, draft completed with the exception of one annex. Reference test vectors are available for complete functional testing of coder and decoder implementations. Cross verification of recommendation near completion: 3 S/W under verification with 2 completed, and the third 95% completion. Decision is to host JPL S/W at Open Channel S/W website which JPL has an agreement for open-source S/W. Flight hardware development near completion. SLS AREA REPORT
33 16 June Data compression WG (cnt’d) Working Group Summary progress: Solicited input positions on future work Received support from ASI, CNES, CSA, ESA and NASA on forming a BOF on multi-/hyper-spectral data compression. Participating members for BOF: CNES, CSA, ESA, NASA, NOAA, AAS Completed the preliminary mission requirements table with two mission profiles: multispectral and hyperspectral. Initiated WG review of B.1 & G.1 2 RIDS received for B.1 and 2 RIDS received for G.1 WG decides to re-confirm the two books pending updates SLS AREA REPORT
34 16 June 2006 Data compression WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: None SLS AREA REPORT
35 16 June 2006 Data compression WG (cnt’d) Planning : Complete GREEN BOOK draft Sep., 2006 Complete S/W cross-verification Aug., 2006 Internal release reference S/W, Sept., 2006 Public release reference S/W, Dec., 2006 Issue GREEN BOOK, Dec., 2006 Request for BOF “Multi/Hyper-spectral Data Compression” Approval, June, 2006 Provide mission requirements and quality measures for BOF, Next meeting SLS AREA REPORT
36 16 June Data compression WG (cnt’d) Outcomes: SLS has approved creation of new BOF on Multi/Hyper- spectral data compression; Resolutions : RES6 Given successful review of draft GB; SLS will submit GB to CESG polling upon completion of the GB (Dec. 2006); (in September) RES7: SLS requests CESG to re-confirm and re-issue updated CCSDS B-1. & G-1 RES8: SLS requests CESG to release technical corrigendum for B.1 with WG approved updates (editorial improvement). SLS AREA REPORT
37 16 June 2006 Data Compression BOF Next Meeting Objective To obtain agreement from the BOF members on WG Requirements Table and mission profiles Decide on direction (select mission profiles) Secure resources Draft working group charter Request for approval of WG charter SLS AREA REPORT
38 16 June 2006 Cross-area technical issue Need to reinforce HRU WG – Cislunar WG coordination Can Cislunar WG provide application needs to HRU WG? Coordination with agencies lunar programmes? SLS AREA REPORT
39 16 June 2006 Other issues & concerns None SLS AREA REPORT
40 16 June 2006 Proposed area resolutions & action items RES1 SLS requests CESG to elevate these recommendations to blue status RES2 SLS requests CESG to forward response liaison statements to IOAG & SFCG RES3 SLS requests CESG to approve RFM WG charter RES4 SLS requests the a) Space Data Link Protocols and b) Overview of Space Communications Protocols be published as a) new green book and b) an updated GB RES5 SLS requests CESG to approve publication of the Prox-1 GB as Version 1.0 RES6 Given successful review of draft GB; SLS will submit GB to CESG polling upon completion of the GB (Dec. 2006); (in September) RES7: SLS requests CESG to re-confirm and re-issue updated CCSDS B-1. & G-1 RES8: SLS requests CESG to release technical corrigendum for B.1 with WG approved updates (editorial improvement). RES9: SLS Area submits NASA Orange Book for approval by CESG SLS AREA REPORT