ITIGC e-Tools Subcommittee March 2010 GSA Chair- Keith Machen Industry Chair- Julie Kesterson
Charter Understand GSA’s: Current e-Tool Offerings. Plans to Change, Consolidate, Increase, or Eliminate e-Tool Offerings. Participate in e-Tool Beta Tests. Using a Structured Process, Identify Industry and Customer Needs/Issues for GSA Comment/Resolution. Offer GSA Recommendations/Guidelines for Successful e-Tool Implementations/Modifications/Communications.
Charter (cont’d.) Communicate with Subcommittees (i.e., IGC e-Tools, Training and Communications). Provide Status of GSA e-Tools to the ITIGC Membership. Be a First-Line Industry Forum that GSA Turns to for Vetting Ideas and Communicating e-Tool Implementations/Modifications.
E-Tool Offerings GSA Advantage! (Virtual Stores)E-Buy Advantage ConnectE-Buy Connect PO PortalFSS Online Apps.GovORS SIP/CORS72A Sales Enterprise Acquisition SolutionSSQ E-Offer SystemITSS and TOS (Evaluate) E-LibraryFAS Vendor Support Website
GSA Plans for E-Tool Offerings GSA Advantage! v12 [Mid-Late 2010] Modernize design, Web 2.0 features (included in most stores) Enhance product information (multiple photos, manufacturer data repository) Improve access to services (new search tools and text file display) Establish item relationships (items typically bought with this item) (late 2010/2011) Implement State and Local Virtual store (late 2010/2011) Customized look and feel Purchase Vehicles specific to State and Local Programs Content based on State and Local interests
GSA Plans (cont’d) Advantage Connect Integrate with Agency Procurement Systems Enable “Punchout” Capabilities using SOA (xCBL, cXML) PO Portal [Late 2010] Create a “Master Account” to monitor and manage Dealer Activity. Apps.Gov v2 [Mid-Late 2010] Pre-qualified Offerors and Lower Prices Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Offering will consist of existing MAS products where BPA pricing has been established. IaaS orders delivered via Web Service – Orders will be pushed to the service provider. Calculators - Calculators will be available for users to estimate their monthly usage and calculate monthly costs.
GSA Plans (cont’d) SIP/CORS [Mid-Late FY10] Support GSA Advantage v12 for multiple photos Enterprise Acquisition Solution Feature Set 1 Formatted Pricing Data Feature Set 2 Catalog Submissions Feature Set 3 Rapid Modification Capabilities E-Offer System Gained input how the current eMod business processes and system could be improved Future state enhancements (i.e., robust dashboard)
GSA Plans (cont’d) E-Library v10 [Late 2010] Modernize design Search improvements (primary focus) Cross-schedule searching and cross schedule contractor list Add secondary contractor catalog (text file) search at SIN level Add optional product search “Did you mean” spelling correction Gold Star Autonomy Search
GSA Plans (cont’d) E-Buy Q&A function so buyers can answer questions without doing a modification CONNECTIONS Contracts SmartBuy BPAs (adding more) State and local use E-Buy Connect Integrate with Agency Contract Writing System Continue to expand its usage Create, Post, Respond, Award.
GSA Plans (cont’d) FSS Online Support for Gold Star Supply Chain Modernization ORS Support for Offers and Modifications 72A Sales Work with VA MAS holders to report their sales and pay on-line. SSQ Nothing reported. Committee to review pre-formatted reports. ITSS and TOS (Evaluate) FAS Vendor Support Website Roll-out announcement March 19, 2010