Project #4: The Remix
When is the project due? Monday, April 25.
How long should the project be?
that depends on what you do.
Where should I submit the project? Depends on what it is. You can submit an electronic version to the ANGEL Drop Box labeled PROJECT 4 under LESSONS up until the start of class on the 2 4th. If your project is such that there is no electronic version, then give it to me in class on the 24th.
What do I do for this project? Take a project you’ve done already and make into a new genre or mode.
For example? Slideshow Collage Photo essay Letter Brochure Movie Musical composition
What else? Instruction manual (e.g, “For Dummies”) Map Diagram Short Story Series of poems News article Zine Cartoon strip Infomercial Documentary To Do List Script Video game Speech
What else, else? Radio Broadcast Website Song Audio essay FB page Skit Mashup Dialogue Dramatic monologue Text messaging conversation Tweet stream Expose Newscast Music video
The purpose of the assignment is to make rhetorical purposes, moves, and effects more visible by asking you to do something that helps you to be very aware of the rhetorical choices you make. That’s the learning goal.
Your own rhetorical purpose will depend on the original project you choose to remix. So, for example, if you decide to remix the Disciplinary Literacies project, your purpose will be to describe the knowledge needed for a discipline or profession.
What do I need to turn in with this project? the Remix itself a memo in which you describe your purpose, process, and choices a grading rubric appropriate for your own project
what’s this “memo” thing? a page or two of written text telling me why you chose the genre or mode you did, and how you approached RAIDS (revision, arrangement, invention, delivery, and style)
What’s going to be hard about this assignment? choosing the the best mode or genre for your purpose.