Shakespeare Terms
ASIDE A short comment by an actor that is meant for the audience to hear, but is not heard by the other characters on the stage.
TRAGEDY A form of drama that deals with serious questions about life and often ends unhappily. Shakespeare’s plays are divided into four categories: Tragedies, Comedies, Histories, and the Problem Plays.
FOIL A minor character who is used by the author to amplify qualities of a main character through comparison or contrast. Ex. Ned Flanders to Homer Simpson.
IAMBIC PENTAMETER Writing that follows an unstressed stressed foot syllable pattern, with five feet (10 syllables) per line. If mu- / -sic be / the food / of love, / play on Is this / a dag- / -ger I / see be- / fore me?
PUN The use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound for humorous effect. E.G. I’m so ‘punny’….
WORDPLAY Humor that depends on knowing multiple meanings of words (closely related to pun). E.G. Civil blood makes civil hands unclean / You have dancing shoes with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead.
DRAMATIC IRONY The reader or viewer knows something that a character does not E.G. Romeo and Juliet meet not knowing that they are enemies, but WE know!
SITUATIONAL IRONY When an outcome is different than what is expected. E.G. Damien’s stress-relief candles were the cause of his apartment burning down.
VERBAL IRONY When what is said is not what is meant (related to sarcasm, but could be more subtle). E.G. Saying “Great!” when something bad happened.
Oxymoron Oxymoron - two contradictory terms are placed side by side, usually for an effect of intensity: Jumbo shrimp burning ice
Soliloquy/ Monologue A long speech delivered by a single actor.
Journal #1 Do you believe in love at first sight? Give reasons and examples to support your belief. Go home tonight and ask your parents and/or grandparents how they met/fell in love.