NERC Fill in the Blank Standards Efforts Steve Rueckert Director – Standards and Compliance Joint Guidance Committee Meeting January 23-24, 2007 Salt Lake City, Utah
RRSWG Work Plan Originally formed to develop a work plan to address Fill in the Blank Standards NERC proposed that the RRSWG should be retained to effectively coordinate and manage developing regional reliability standards across regions
RRSWG Work Plan RRSWG will also manage NERC Standards development for replacements to FIB Original RRSWG members proposed to be on SAR Drafting Team for FIB
RRSWG Work Plan NERC wants regions to develop regional reliability standards in support of four NERC reliability standards BAL-002 Disturbance Control Performance PRC-002 Define and Document Disturbance Monitoring Equipment Requirements PRC-006 Development and Documentation of Regional UFLS Programs PRC-012 Special Protection System Review Procedure
FERC Ruling FERC issued a ruling January 18 Believes the plan is optimistic FERC will be tracking completion dates of all standard development work against the plan NERC want to prove it can develop standard in a timely manner