CS Welcome to CS 4311 Software Engineering II Spring 2015
2 CS 4311 Course Staff Instructor: Yoonsik Cheon Office: CCS (phone: ) Office hours: TR 2:00-2:50 pm, by appointment, and when door is open TA: Yadira Jacquez Office hours: MW 10:00-10:50 am
3 CS 4311 Course Website URL: Resources available Course info (syllabus, contact info, etc.) Lecture notes Project information Assignments, grading criteria, doc templates Tutorials and other course-related docs
4 CS 4311 What This Course Is About? Description from the Course Catalog: “ Methodologies, approaches, and techniques associated with software design, implementation, and testing of a software system; other topics include cooperative teamwork, project management, and documentation; second semester of a two-semester capstone project in which students design and implement a real-world application specified in CS 4310.” Prerequisites: CS 4310 with a grade of C or better
5 CS 4311 Main Topics Configuration management Software design analysis techniques High-level software design Software design specification Software implementation Software validation and verification
6 CS 4311 Project Execution SRS SCM CRC Subsystem Protocol SDD Test Demo 1 Demo 2 Final code Final Presentation Documentation Waterfall Coding Agile (incremental and iterative)
7 CS 4311 Textbook Frank Tsui, Orland Karam, and Barbara Bernal, Sessential of Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, Jones & Bartett Learning, Ebook from Safaribooksonline.com through UTEP library. R. Wirfs-Brock, R. Wilkerson, and L. Wiener, Designing Object- Oriented Software, Prentice Hall, Available from Amazon. Resources: Scott W. Amber, The Elements of UML 2.0 Style, Cambridge University Press, Allan Vermeulen, et al., The Elements of Java Style, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
8 CS 4311 Course Structure Active learning In-class exercises and group work Project---senior capstone project Refer to syllabus for expected project deliverables (p. 6) Cooperative teamwork Schedule: refer to syllabus (p. 5)
9 CS 4311 Course Policy - Assignments Reading assignment To prepare for lecture and in-class work Project assignment To apply the techniques learned to the project Policy No late submission will be accepted!
10 CS 4311 Course Policy - Exams Two mid-term exams Tentative dates: Feb. 26 and Apr. 9 Final exam Tuesday, May 12 at 10:00 am – 12:45 pm
11 CS 4311 Course Policy – Attendance Class attendance and participation Will take attendance (cooperative learning) Your final grade will be lowered by one point for each unexcused absence above three.
12 CS 4311 Course Policy - Grading (8 mins; pair) Read the Grading Summary section of the syllabus (p. 3). Q: How is the final letter grade calculated? Q: Draw a behavior state machine diagram for calculating the final letter grade.
13 CS 4311 Summing [i < a.length] [i < a.length] / sum := sum + a[i]; i++ [i >= a.length]/return sum /sum := 0; i := 0; Review: (Behavior) State Machines
14 CS 4311 Questions or Concerns?
15 CS 4311 Preview of CS 4311 Topics Many ways a software project fails …
16 CS 4311
17 CS 4311 Create a Venn Diagram that shows the set of programs that solves the problem, and of those that are feasible, maintainable, efficient 3 minutes, pairs
18 CS 4311 What CS4311 is about? Design Implementation Testing
19 CS 4311 What CS4311 is about? Design Implementation Testing What are these? (pairs, 3 minutes)
20 CS 4311 Outline of CS4311 Architecture High-level design Detailed design V&V and testing Implementation Integration