“What Makes A Hero” Essay (Inner Monologue) By: Brianna Burns
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Through out high school I was on a highly competitive dance team where we won the national championship four years in a row. My coaches taught us to stay humble no matter what. To enforce this, it was part of our team’s rules that we could never speak badly of other teams on any form of social media or else we would have to face consequences. This repetition of monitoring what I would say, influenced me to believe that being humble is a great characteristic to possess.
I was influenced as a child attending Catholic elementary school to do good deeds for others without expecting anything in return. While learning about the Bible my teachers instilled ideas into me on what a “good Christian” does and how one must act. I was taught even the smallest deeds are beautiful and important. The Church has definitely influenced me in my life and many of my moral beliefs, including my belief that people should do good deeds for others even when they will get nothing in return.
In today’s modern society gender equality is a large movement supported by many. Society, feminists, and history courses in school have taught me that neither man nor female is greater than the other. This not only applies to same pay as men and same basic rights but to who is able to be a hero as well. Rosa Parks is also an example of an influence who has made me believe that both men and women can be heroes as she is admired by many.
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Experience is what influenced me to believe that heroes sometimes don’t even know that they are someone’s hero. As written in my essay, Hayley Williams has taught me that you don’t even have to really know someone for them to be your hero.
My mother is what influenced me to believe that anyone can be a hero by making a difference in someone’s life. She is one of my heroes because I know she has influenced my life immensely and has always provided for me in whatever I needed. I believe that all guardians who do their best to take care and nurture their children are heroes because they really do better your life and make a positive lasting impact.
To end the essay I wrapped up my beliefs into the idea that small actions can really positively impact somebody’s day or even life. If humans naturally strived to help others and make differences in other humans’ lives than the world would be a better place. In an alternate universe everyone would treat everyone with kindness and there world be world peace. While our appreciation for heroes and strive to do good may not end a war, it will definitely encourage others to do the same.
The End