Coach Sanchez and Coach McGlothlin are pondering a business idea. We want to use the website to find a manufacturer in China to build puzzles. Why puzzles? Because we want to get paid! It costs pennies to make cardboard puzzles that we can sell for as low as a $1 and still make crazy money! The best market (because there are no companies to compete against) is from the Pilgrims to right before the American Revolution. We need your help in designing these puzzles!
The Website and the 1,000 piece puzzle hanging on Mr. Sanchez’s wall at home.
The Magna Carta was signed in June 1215 between the land barons of Medieval England and King John. ‘Magna Carta’ is Latin and means “Great Charter”. The document was a series of written promises between the king and his subjects that the king, would govern England and deal with its people according to the customs of feudal law. Magna Carta was an attempt by the barons to stop a king from abusing his power.
The land barons had provided the king with both money and men to defend this territory. Traditionally, the king had always consulted the barons before raising taxes (as they had to collect it) and demanding more men for military service (as they had to provide the men). This was all part of the Feudal System. Many of the clauses concern England’s legal system. Magna Carta promised laws that were good and fair. It states that everyone shall have access to courts and that costs and money should not be an issue if someone wanted to take a problem to the law courts.
By the late 1600s, though, when William and Mary were ruling England, the rich lords who were in Parliament wanted more rights than just the ones in the Magna Carta. They wanted to make sure that the kings and queens of England wouldn't get to have absolute power. In 1689 the rich lords added these new rules: The King or Queen can't make new laws or invent new courts or judge cases on their own - Parliament has to agree too. The King or Queen can't decide on new taxes unless Parliament agrees. The King or Queen can't keep an army unless there's a war or Parliament agrees (so they can't use the army to threaten Parliament). The King or Queen can't stop people from having guns or swords to defend themselves unless there's a law passed by Parliament.
The King or Queen can't interfere in the elections to choose the members of Parliament. When Parliament is debating an issue, members have complete freedom of speech. No punishments can be announced or carried out until someone is actually convicted of a crime. No excessive bail or "cruel and unusual" punishments are allowed. Because of this Bill of Rights, Parliament was really ruling England, and the Kings and Queens had to do pretty much what Parliament wanted. But this Bill of Rights only took power from the King or Queen and gave it to rich lords - not to ordinary people. Ordinary people didn't get to be in Parliament, and they didn't get to vote for Parliament either.
This empire was made up of the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. At its height, it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the world’s greatest global power. By 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world's population at the time. At the peak of its power, the phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets" was often used to describe the British Empire, because its expanse around the globe meant that the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.the empire on which the sun never sets
By the start of the 20 th century, Germany and the United States had eroded Britain's economic lead.Germany During WW1 ( ) Britain relied heavily upon its empire. The conflict placed enormous strain on the military, financial and manpower resources of Britain. Britain was no longer the world's pre-eminent industrial or military power. In the Second World War, Britain's colonies in South-East Asia were occupied by Japan.Second World WarSouth-East AsiaJapan Despite the final victory of Britain and its allies, the damage to British prestige helped to accelerate the inevitable decline of the empire.
Workshop 4: British Parliament and King Parliament examines what the Government is doing, makes new laws, holds the power to set taxes and debates the issues of the day. It is very similar to our Congress. In that members are elected to office. The House of Commons and House of Lords each play an important role in Parliament's work. The House of Commons are elected by the people and the House of Lords members are chosen by the Prime Minister and King/Queen. The Prime Minister is chosen from the political party in power. The King/Queen is a ceremonial post. The decisions are all made by Parliament and enforced by the Prime Minister.
Workshop 5: The Colombian Exchange