Warm Up Get out a piece of paper and see how far you can write down your monologue. Try to get to the end. When you have to stop, get out your script and finish writing it by hand. Check what you already wrote. MEMORIZATION DUE THURSDAY
7 LAYERS OF TENSION In your textbook binders, turn to page 70 Eventually, you will be able to identify all 7 layers. But today we’ll focus on the first three. Write them down, along with a description to help you remember it: 1. CATATONIC (jellyfish) 2. CALIFORNIAN (laid back) 3. NEUTRAL (economic)
Warm Up Review the first three layers of tensions that we went over last class by describing, for each one, the behavior that would be observed/performed in each state: CATATONIC CALIFORNIAN NEUTRAL
The last 4 layers of tension Write the following in your notes, along with a short description of each (found on p. 70 of your textbook binder) 4. ALERT (curious) 5. REACTIVE (suspense) 6. PASSIONATE 7. TRAGIC