Life Skills/Mr. Thompson
The project portion is worth 45 points. Serve a minimum of 4 hours Proof of service = 2 points (If you do not provide proof of service you will only credit for half of your hours) Picture = 3 points Report = 25 points Description – 5 points Why – 2 points Impact on others – 5 points Impact on you – 5 points What would you do differently – 3 points
Serve a minimum of 4 hours in the community Proof of service- a note or from the person that supervised your hours will work Report – A written way of telling me the details of your service. Describe what you did (use detail, did anyone help you, where/when) Why did you choose this service? What impact did it have on those you served? What impact did it have on you (Did you learn anything)? What would you do differently? Picture – Include a photograph of you doing the service ▪ *If you choose to serve at an elementary school, check their policy on including students in pictures
– A government database for service opportunities – Idaho Food Bank – Meridian Food Bank – Boise Rescue Mission – Idaho Humane Society – Meridian Humane Soc. – BBP Powering Tomorrow Powering Tomorrow – Meridian Schools – Meridian library – Boise Public Library
Parent Signature DUE – Wednesday 02/13/13 Brainstorm (in class) – Thursday 02/14/13 Contacts Page DUE – Tuesday 02/19/13 Action Plan DUE – Thursday 02/28/13 Proof of Hours/Photo DUE – Monday 03/18/13 Project Questions (in class) - Tuesday 03/19/13
I understand that my student, ____________________________________________, is required to complete the community service assignment outlined above for Life Skills class. I also understand that because the assignment is worth 90 points, failure to complete may result in a failing grade for the class. ______________________________________________________ Parent SignatureDate
Brainstorm: Use the space below to write down ideas of things you would like to do for your community service project. Suggestions of where to look: Day care, Senior centers, Church, Scouts, Schools, Food pantries, rescue mission, your parents’ employers, neighborhood…
Identify who you would need to contact about that service idea and how you would contact them. Write down a phone number and/or . You need at least three. Name of Contact: Phone Number: Address: Name of Contact: Phone Number: Address: Name of Contact: Phone Number: Address:
In this section, plan out your service time. I should be able to read this and know exactly what you are doing, when and where. 1. Where/What/Who are you doing your service for? 2. Who is your Contact Person? Phone Number and/or address.
3. When have you scheduled to do your service? Dates and Times? 4. What resources/materials will you need for your service? 5. What are your expectations for your service? What do you think you’ll do and/or learn?
Describe, in detail, what you did. (Who, What, When, Where, How)
Why did you choose this service project? Would you do anything differently? What and why?
Describe how the people you served felt about your service.
Describe what you learned, how you felt and any other impact the service had on you.
“Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.Martin Luther King Jr.