How to apply After searching for courses, you apply online through UCAS.
Important Information Make sure you have checked the entry requirements first. When you have a place, think about any immigration, visa and finance arrangements you need as well.
15th October deadline Applying early is advisable. Students who submit an application by 18:00 (UK time) on 15th October are guaranteed equal consideration by universities and colleges. 15th October deadline is for all courses at Oxford/Cambridge, including medicine and for all other universities offering medicine.
15th January deadline Applying early is advisable. Students who submit an application by 18:00 (UK time) on 15th January are guaranteed equal consideration by universities and colleges. Many universities and colleges offer extended deadlines for international applicants – students should check with them directly.
Fill in your application on the UCAS website There are different application forms and deadlines depending on the type of course. You can apply to multiple courses at the same time to increase your chances of getting a place on the course. Applications can be quite competitive, especially for the most popular courses – so you might not get an offer for every course you apply to.
Choices You can choose up to 5 universities on your application form. It is a general application so all of your 5 choices (universities) see the application. You can choose the same university for 1 or more courses as part of your 5.
Qualifications Make sure you put in all the qualifications you have or are currently doing. Add your grades and results as well. Give us as much information as possible – without it the course providers will struggle to make a decision. While some course providers ask you to send everything straight away, some will do their initial assessment of your application before asking to see proof of your results.
International personal statements In the UCAS application you have to write a personal statement. Write about why you want to study the subject. If you are applying to more than one course provider, do not mention them by name because they all receive the same personal statement.
International personal statements Try also to mention why you want to study in the United Kingdom. Describe your English language skills (and mention any English courses or tests you have taken). Explain why you want to be an international student rather than study in your own country.
International personal statements Mention also any work experience, sports interests and if you are part of a team. Check the specific personal statement advice for the type of study you are applying for.
References and Predicted grades References are required from 1 main teacher (for subject chosen) and if needed, 1 extra for the language itself. Predicted grades are required to get an initial average for the application. Once application is received, some universities request individual predicted grades as extra information to support your application.
Login details Once you are able to register for the new applications for 2015, you will need to connect to the school and co-ordinator by putting in the new buzzword which will be PARMA2015. This enables the co-ordinator to check your application before sending it to UCAS.
Payment Once application is ready to send, it is the responsibility of the student/parent to pay a fee via UCAS. When the fee is paid, the co-ordinator has to send the application on behalf of the student.