A Chance To Talk…In Kirkby Presented by: Jill Dancer & Steve Dixon Date: 18 th Manchester 2013
Introductions Jill Dancer Performance Manager Integrated Targeted & Specialist Child Health Service Community Health Services 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Steve Dixon Collaborative Development Manager Kirkby Merseyside
Kirkby, Merseyside
The A Chance To Talk Partners
Background to ACTT Child poverty in Kirkby Central - good speech and language skills seen as a key to tackling disadvantage Early Years Initiatives: –Early Years Speech and Language Project –Early Talk accreditation with ICAN –Make Chatter Matter in Kirkby – road show Strong partnership working already in place – allowed formation of the Operational Governance Group for ACTT
Previous Development Work in Kirkby - Speech and Language Interventions Training for teaching staff and TAs Delivered by staff from the Receptive Language Unit On aspects such as awareness raising around expressive/ receptive language difficulties, how to identify, activities to use in class TA Training on delivering programmes Delivered by community SLT colleagues Focused on delivery of SLT programmes set by therapists S.L.E.I.P. Speech and Language Early Intervention Project Delivered by staff from Receptive Language Unit Funded by AIMS Early screening and programme of intervention for receptive language with reception classes
A Chance To Talk A Chance to Talk (ACTT) supports schools to develop a coherent school based strategy for improving the language and communication skills of children aged 4-7.
Aims of A Chance to Talk Establish evidence base – model that is cost effective & sustainable Develop workforce – knowledge, skills, practice, confidence Language & Communication skills – early identification & whole-class support, advice for parents Close the gap in attainment between children Support for children with more persistent difficulties
Developing the Model Third sector organisations (ICAN, The Communication Trust) lead management of the programme and developed materials, resources, training for the programme e.g. the Wave 2 ‘catch up’ intervention, a tool for identifying children requiring support at Waves 2 and 3. Built on what was already in place in ICAN’s Primary Talk programme e.g. tools to audit the school environment to see how well it supports children’s communication, and training programmes for class teachers Worked with schools in the pilot to develop a model which met their requirements – identified through interview and audit.
The A Chance to Talk Model Focuses on early identification and intervention: children aged 4-7 ACTT employs a similar model to that used in Every Child a Reader and Every Child Counts A speech and language therapist employed by a cluster of schools Increased levels of expertise available in school enables all the children to be supported effectively and makes the whole school environment communication friendly
The A Chance to Talk Model Tackles both the language and communication difficulties linked to social disadvantage and those linked to Special Educational Needs / Language impairment Involved piloting an evidence informed “catch up” programme delivered by trained teaching assistants and/or volunteers for children whose language skills was just below the norm. Provides 1-1 or small group support with a language specialist for children who have more persistent difficulties Provides information and support to families appropriate to their child’s specific needs
The A Chance To Talk Model
ACTT – Wave 1- Universal Level/ Whole School Level A series of training modules that: Train school staff in best communication practice to make the whole school environment communication friendly Supports staff to identify children who have SLCN Increase staff skill in understanding children’s language needs and supporting their development Designed to be delivered flexibly according to schools’ starting points Guidance and support for parents
ACTT – Wave 2 – Targeted Level - Talk Boost A targeted “catch up “ programme - for 4 to 7 year olds, whose language skills are just below the norm – narrows the gap The programme is simple to understand and use Delivered by trained school support staff Children are taught in small groups for minutes, 3 times a week over a 10 week period Whole class activities ensure a clear link between small group work and the classroom Information session and weekly “take–home“ activities for parents
ACTT – Wave 3 – Specialist Level For children who have more persistent difficulties: SLT assessment and intervention plan Small group / individual support delivered by trained and supervised LSA +/or SLT Information and support to families appropriate to their child’s specific needs
What schools needed to provide An ACTT coordinator – on SMT Commitment to staff training and development (both TA and teaching staff) Data for baseline/post intervention Support for interventions – wave 2 and 3 Enthusiasm and lots of feedback
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Co-located with child health team: Increased integrated working and information sharing with school nurses and health visitors Increased support for ‘hard to reach’ families Rapid response to queries regarding support received by children by both teams (e.g. A&E notification, safeguarding concerns)
Wave 1 whole school training TA training for Wave 2 programme Training specific to school need Wave 2 groups implemented Wave 3 interventions From Autumn 2010 – July 2012 What happened in the project schools
Impact of Wave 1
Impact of Wave 2
What went well – feedback from schools Great resources and really easy to follow Lovely reward system Children love attending the group Chance to feedback to whole class Improves confidence as well as understanding of language Children learn from their peers Staff enjoy delivering it
Wave 3
Outcomes in Kirkby Staff have more awareness of SLC/N and an increased understanding of the role of the SLT They are more able to identify which children need wave 2 and which need wave 3 intervention They have developed communication supportive classrooms They have found the wave 2 intervention (Talk Boost) really valuable, and it has had a significant impact on children’s language levels Children who would otherwise not get to clinic have been able to access SLT support on a regular basis
A Chance to Talk “Staff in the schools involved have commented positively, not just on changes in children’s language, but on their confidence and their readiness to learn and engage in activities with their peers.”
OutcomesImpact Staff understand more about SLC/N Able to identify children with SLCN Able to support children with language delay Classroom practice more supportive of communication Schools have systems for supporting all children’s SLC Improved collaboration between SLT and school Children develop SLC skills Children able to access curriculum Children more engaged Children with SLCN get support they need Schools are better able to commission support for children’s SLC Children do better at school Children with language skills in typical range Fewer children needing on-going specialist support Parents satisfied with support Services commissioned in effective and cost effective way
A Chance to Talk has provided: An evidence base that demonstrates improved outcomes for children and families and cost effectiveness Improvement in the knowledge, skills, practice and confidence of all school staff in addressing the needs of children with SLCN Enhanced the language and communication skills of all children in the project schools and ensure that those who need additional help are identified and supported early Accelerated the rate of progress of children with delayed language – “closing the gap” between them and their peers Ensure children with more persistent difficulties are effectively supported to maximise their progress and access the wider curriculum
ACTTIK A Chance To Talk In Kirkby July 2012 – August 2013 Original 7 project schools plus 5 new schools
Wave 1 Since September all new schools have completed the Primary Talk Supportive Training
Wave 2 – Talk Boost TAs in all 12 schools trained to carry out Talk Boost Groups TAs assessing children before and after the 10 weeks Scores guide schools to place children in Wave 1, Wave 2 or Wave 3
Wave 2 – Talk Boost 73 children assessed since September children have completed groups and have been re-assessed. Majority of children showing improved scores in all or most areas assessed. Where there are still difficulties recommendations made by SLT (e.g. referral to SLT / Wave 3, further wave 2).
Wave 3 Since September children seen for assessment (or reassessed from first phase of project). 43 children currently being seen for 1:1 therapy or group therapy with advice for support in the classroom. 15 children being supported through advice / programmes. 8 children discharged. Parents encouraged to attend sessions where possible
ACTTIK – The Future In the Kirkby Collaborative a further commitment from schools allowed for the pilot to continue beyond its expiry- all primary schools in Kirkby were able to access the programme - this is now likely to be extended for a further two years from Sept A family of primary schools in the Central area of Knowsley have worked together with ICAN to access TalkBoost Training. Jill & Steve will be speaking to the Collaborative of schools in the Southern area of Knowsley about ACTTIK in the near future.
ACTT…IK Any Questions?