Commonplace Book Entry #3 Angela M. Lopez USC EDUC 513A Prof. Sara Peterson
Metacognition What are you thinking?
Metacognition How are you thinking?
Metacognition Why are you thinking it?
Metacognition Now, What are you going to do with those thoughts?
Metacognition Learning Habits of the Heart and Mind (Miller, S. M., p. 289 )
Metacognition Literature – “a major way of knowing, a distince narrative mode of understanding that can contribute to a keen and critical mind.” (Miller, S.M p. 289)
Metacognition Celebrate what you know, and share it!
Metacognition Help me help you. “Mediated learning experience – interaction between adult and child that encourages the child to think about the phenomenon or event in particular ways…” (Ormrod, J.E pp ).
Metacognition Scaffold to help build knowledge. Develop a plan…Demonstrate…Divide task…specific guidelines…use technology…ask questions…keep motivated…remind of their goals…give feedback. (Ormrod, J. E., p. 46)
Metacognition Is the problem the TEACHER? “Since traditional teacher talk focused almost solely on questioning and evaluating correct responses”… Hmmm. (Miller, S. M P. 291)
Metacognition Learn from me and I’ll learn from you… “…students pursue understanding interdependently, at times acting as and other times learning from more knowledgeable peers.” (Miller, S. M p. 291)
Metacognition No Teacher = not good Too much Teacher = not good Happy medium = GREAT!
Metacognition ZPD – “compare what a student can do alone and what she can do during ‘problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.’” (Miller, S. M p. 292.) Teacher + Students = Success!
Metacognition Happy medium – teacher mediates and facilitates student discussion
Metacognition Don’t just read words; think, find meaning, apply it. “Develop a more reflective stance toward meaning.” (Miller, S. M p. 294)
Metacognition Resources: Miller, S. M. (2003). How literature discussion shapes thinking: ZPDs for teaching/learning habits of heart and mind. In A. Kouzlin, B. Gindis, V. S. Ageyev, & S. M. Miller, (Eds.), Vygotsky’s educational theory in cultural context (pp ). NY: Cambridge University Press. Ormrod, J. E. (2011). Educational psychology developing learners. 7 th Ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.