Conference Planning: Success from Contract Negotiation to the Banquet BUILDING CAP’S TEAM... FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW
Goal To ensure each member attending a Wing or Region conference feels that the time they spent was of value, all their questions were answered and they are more equipped to execute the missions of the Civil Air Patrol. This is the time for members to become re-energized about THEIR organization! re-energized about THEIR organization!
Purpose Ensure the Commander’s vision for the Wing is communicated Make members feel valued Disseminate information Train members Socializing with members from other areas
Major Players Wing Commander Project Officer Directors Presenters Staff
Major Components Date and Location Staff Selection Marketing to maximize attendance Facility and Meals Program and Sessions Fees and Expenses Member Recognition and Awards
Marketing When to begin Develop web site Marketing venues Send out electronic announcements and post information on web site How to promote activity Continual conference teasers Targeted audiences
Marketing Maximizing Attendance What is your normal attendance? How can you get more to come? Who are you targeting? Senior vs. cadet members
Facilities Contract Negotiations Location and size of facilities Venue competition Costs
Program Conference Theme Conference program topics Presenters and vendors Schedules: Assembly, Seminars, Banquet Guest speakers
Registration Develop application process Disseminate application / post on web site Contact local Chamber of Commerce Commander's Welcome letter Packet materials Staff registration desk
Program What is the main thing you most want your members to come away with? What program elements are musts? Pre-conference training opportunities.
Finance Conference registration fee Package deal, Conference only, cadet fee Payment options Paypal, Eventbrite Room rates Food costs
Logistics Food / Meal Options Friday night reception Lunch on Saturday Banquet: buffet or sit down No-host bar
Guests Who should you invite to the conference? How do you invite guests?
Awards Award Committee Year-of and special awards Order / engrave plaques Print certificates Award presentation
Summary Conference needs a Purpose Wing Commander must be engaged Staff need to be do-ers not talkers Plan early, communicate often It’s the little things that will make it a success.
Please complete the 2015 survey online for a chance to have your conference registration fee refunded Civil Air Patrol