Course Add/ Drop & Your Registration Time Tickets (click your mouse to view the next slide)
Web Course Add/Drop You can add/drop courses (e.g. Gateway Education courses) on-line through the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS) in CityU Portal. Check your registration time tickets in ‘Course Registration’ under AIMS. They shows the time periods you are allowed to add/drop courses on-line. Do NOT drop any courses that have been pre- registered for you unless you have obtained your home academic unit’s approval. (click your mouse to view the next slide)
Given you have activated your EID, you can log-in to AIMS to add/ drop courses (click your mouse to view the next slide)
Under the tab “Course Registration”, check your registration status and time tickets via the link “Registration Status and Time Ticket”. You will see the time periods you are allowed to do web add/drop of courses. (click your mouse to view the next slide)
For detailed information on course add/ drop, please visit the Course Registration Website (Information about course registration for Semester A 2015/16 will be available in end July 2015) (to quit the slides, click ‘Back’ of your internet browser )