Raptor-JUSE Mimas, The University of Manchester. Cardiff University; Cranfield University; EvidenceBase, Birmingham City University.
Raptor-JUSE Integration of Raptor with JUSP. Raptor-JUSE
Raptor collects event based information about what resources people authenticate to. – Shibboleth – Ezproxy etc. Raptor has a UI to report on this information. JUSP collate and aggregate Journal usage from the service provider end. – NESLi2 publishers using Counter Statistics. JUSP presents this information through their stats Portal.
Raptor-JUSE (Raptor) Raptor can collect and report on a wide range of authentication events e.g. journal publishers through to an institutions local wiki or mail provider etc. However, when logged into a publishers website, lacks fine grained information about what articles, journals, and books etc. a user accesses.
Raptor-JUSE (JUSP) One-stop-shop for libraries to view, download and analyse their fine grained usage reports. However, only currently supports a limited subset of sites in use. Furthermore, other types of resource usage information is of course out of scope.
Raptor-JUSE Provide a single, unified place to obtain information from both sources of information. – Treated individually at first. – Will look at ways to map between systems (identifier) where possible. will look at statistical overlaps. – Deal with different reporting periods i.e. Raptor is per event, JUSP uses defined reporting periods.
Project Plan Work package 2. (1 st August 2012 until 31 st May 2013) – Discuss architecture of integration – Review data model from Raptor and JUSP – Explore options to view JUSP usage in Raptor Work package 3. (1 st September 2012 until 31 st March 2013) – Develop linkage between Raptor and JUSP – Develop JUSP API – Enhance Raptor UI – Produce technical unit and integration tests Work package 4. (1 st August 2012 until 30 th April 2013) – Evaluate quality of integration and usefulness from pilot institutions. Work package 5. (1 st August 2012 until 31 st May 2013) – Dissemination and reporting – Workshops – Promote live service Work Package 6. (1 st May 2013 until 31 st May 2013) – Productionalise new service components – Support documentation, sustainability planning – Announce service
Integration Use a modified Raptor ICA component to pull information from the newly developed JUSP- API on a monthly basis.
Raptor Presentation of JUSP The modified Raptor component can then be configured to push these JUSP-Events to an institutions Raptor server. An institutions Raptor server then persists this information alongside other Raptor-Events. JUSP monthly stats can then be viewed in Raptor in a way consistent with other Raptor events.
Immediate Future Work Produce a new wizard like interface for easy selection of Raptor-Events and JUSP-Events within Raptor. Allow the wizard interface to *show* both Raptor authentication events alongside JUSP events (Jr1 etc.) for a given period graphically for visual comparison.