Master Class Modules on Computer Graphics and Animation Ahmad Nasri, American University of Beirut (in Collaboration with Dima Schneider) American University of Beirut Workshop on the Creation, Art, Design and Technology Master Classes in the Arab States, Sept. 4-5, 2004 Digi-arts, UNESCO
Introduction Advancements in Computer graphics and Animation have opened new horizons: Digital Cultural Heritage Digital Arts 3D Artists and Designers Virtual Environments Planning the digital future for the Arab States American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Introduction – cont’d Computer Graphics is essential to the merging of art, design, culture, and technology. In the future world of technology: An integrated philosophy between artists and technologists needs to be developed. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Pedagogic Objectives of Proposed Modules Giving students a very broad spectrum of 3D computer graphics and animation essentials. Initiating discussions and critical thinking on computer graphics and animation focusing on aesthetic creativity and providing support and offering solutions for the technological challenges in the creative sector in the Arab States. Introducing the essentials of 2D/3D animation techniques and modeling. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Strengthening the students’ basic script programming skills. Exposing students to the use of sound, digital video and imaging. Introducing students to moving Arabic typography. Providing students with a variety of hands-on 3D design applications pertaining to cultural heritage in the Arab World. Pedagogic Objectives of Proposed Modules – cont’d American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Pre-Requisites The class is open to students from: Design Publication Visual arts Media arts Multimedia Communication and journalism Computer Sciences American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Pre-Requisites – Cont’d General Prerequisites: Sufficient Computer literacy. Visual Communication skills American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Module 1 1.History of Computer Graphics and Animation The history of computer graphics and animation and its use in animation with an overview of the use of digital design in the Arab region. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Module 1 2. Aesthetics in computer human interface technology The development of competency and confidence in an environment of rapidly evolving technology. The exploration of new approaches on how to benefit from 3D spaces and contribute to a better human interface technology The focus on aesthetic creativity in providing support and offering solutions. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Module 1 – Cont’d 3. Creative thinking/writing and Storyboarding This course offers the students the possibility to develop a theme/subject that they find interesting and that they might adapt for their final project. Encouragement of projects that concentrate on the social and cultural issues of the Arab region. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Module 2 Covers Computer graphics and animation (application and programming). Topics include: Script Writing & Storyboarding Character Development Modeling Animation Materials and Textures Camera Lighting and Rendering American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Module 3 Studio Project courses: 1.Experimental Graphics and Animation. 2.Computer Animation (2D / 3D) customized to fit Arabic Culture. (Education, Entertainment, etc.) 3.Arabic / Latin Type Animation 4.3D Design applications that can be used in various fields, such as in cultural heritage, sculpture, jewelry, medicine, simulations, games and more. 5.Islamic art, Calligraphy, Architecture, and other domains. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Evaluation Mode Students will be divided into groups of various disciplines. Each group will take a project which will be use as the basis for evaluation. The projects should be chosen to assure that students have acquired the theoretical as well as the practical materials. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO
Lab Requirement The lab must be equipped with the proper hardware and software in various fields of animation, modeling, rendering, etc. American University of Beirut Digi-arts, UNESCO