Action Plan Prepared By: Mrs. Nuzhat Saleem
GOALS TTo Develop 21 st Century Skills, TTo Develop IT skills TTo develop Collaborative environment with critical thinking.
How can we develop 21 st century skills in students when we teach? By using 21 st century Approaches In our teaching, We can easily develop 21 st century skills among students & teachers in the School.
21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills 21 st century Skills 1.Accountibility & Adaptability 2.Communication Skills 3.Creativity & Intellectual curiosity 4.Critical Thinking & System Thinking 5.Information & Media Literacy Skills 6.Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7.Self Direction 8.Problem Identification & Solution 9.Social Responsibility
Instructional strategies Task TopicMonth Parts of FlowerApril 2009 PhotosynthesisMay 2009 Dissection of FrogAugust 2009 Digestive SystemSeptember 2009 MitosisOctober 2009 GeneticsNovember 2009 SpottingJanuary 2009
How can we develop interest level of students while using 21 st century approaches in our lesson plans? By using Interesting student centered activities In our teaching, We can easily develop Interest level among students & teachers in the School.
21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills Different techniques Student centered activities 1.Drama / Role play 2.Debates 3.Singing 4.Talk Show 5.Story Telling 6.Interview 7.Survey 8.Seminar 9. Guest Speaker 10.Teaching Aids 11.Competetion 12.Games / Sports 13.Quiz 14.Acting / Parody 15.Puppet Show
Instructional strategies Task Topic21 st Century approachTechniques /Modes Parts of Flower Observing & Monitoring Skills Survey of a Nursery in community Photosynth esis Giving Direction SkillsExperiment Digestive System Listening & SpeakingRole Play & Teaching Aids GeneticsQuestioning SkillsStory Telling & survey of classes MitosisEncouraging SkillsMultimedia Presentation Dissection of Frog Intervening SkillsDissection of frog in real sense SpottingEncouraging/Intervening Skills Demonstration
ChallengesSolutions Permission Students motivation Letter for principal & parents Encouragement Management of class Apparatus Group working Lab support or pre booking Motivation of stds Dialogues for drama Encouragement Extra personal time for script writing Permission Time management Questionnaire Letter for principal & teachers for other classes Group task division Extra Personal Time Multimedia presentation permission Search from net letter ChallengesSolutions Permission Students motivation Letter for principal & parents Encouragement Management of class Apparatus Group working Lab support or pre booking Motivation of students Dialogues for drama Encouragement Extra personal time for script writing Permission Time management Questionnaire Letter for principal & teachers for other classes Group task division Extra Personal Time Story Search from internet & books Multimedia presentation permission Search from net letter Live frog availability Lab booking & apparatus Purchasing by own Pre booking Spots availability Lab booking & apparatus Purchasing by own Pre booking
ChallengesSolutions Permission Students motivation Letter for principal & parents Encouragement Management of class Apparatus Group working Lab support or pre booking Motivation of stds Dialogues for drama Encouragement Extra personal time for script writing Permission Time management Questionnaire Letter for principal & teachers for other classes Group task division Extra Personal Time Multimedia presentation permission Search from net letter Resources Permission of Nursery, Permission of principal, Permission of parents,Conveyance, worksheets. Hydra plant & apparatus Frog, Dissection Box, Laboratory Internet, Encarta CD, computer Lab Frog, Dissection Box, Laboratory Spots, Lab
ChallengesSolutions Permission Students motivation Letter for principal & parents Encouragement Management of class Apparatus Group working Lab support or pre booking Motivation of stds Dialogues for drama Encouragement Extra personal time for script writing Permission Time management Questionnaire Letter for principal & teachers for other classes Group task division Extra Personal Time Multimedia presentation permission Search from net letter Acknowledgement Nursery, principal, parents Support, Conveyance support Science Lab & Lab Attendant Support computer Lab support Science Lab & Lab Attendant Support
How can we develop consistency of program in the school & Interest level of Teachers & students in the future? By continuous follow-ups of Intel Team & District Education Office We can sustain the Interest level & Intel Goals throughout the year after facing many challenges.
Where there is a will, is a way. Impossible itself says that I M Possible.