G ERMAN C URRICULUM V ITAE (CV) Martin- Behaim- School Felix Hedderich
The main parts of a German CV Introduction How should a foto look like Personal information School career Military service Professional qualification Advanced training Special skills Work experience Hobbies Date, place and signature Example CV Example Cover Pape
INTRODUCTION In general, German Curriculum Vitae consist of 1 or 2 pages. There’s always a photograph at the top. Also, a strict chronological order and a clear, professional style. CVs are signed at the bottom.
A CV should include personal information, about studies and working experience, as well as knowledge of foreign languages and other activities.working experiencelanguages If there are blank, non-working periods, it’s important to explain the reasons and what you did during those periods.
The following is the information you should include (in the same order): Name, address, and phone number. Personal information (birth date and place, marital status, children and in some cases, name and profession of your parents and religion). Education (primary and high school). Military and social service (if applicable). Students practice (“Praktika”).
The following is the information you should include (in the same order): University education (university, career, grade results and periods studying abroad). Working experience. Special skills Foreign languages. Other activities (student organization affiliation or any sports, politics organization, etc.)
HOW SHOULD A FOTO LOOK LIKE CV: Size: 3,5 x 4,5 cmCover Page
PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname First name Addresse Date of birth and place Familystatus Nationality Mustermann Maximilian Wallstreet No Darmstadt in Darmstadt Singel German
SCHOOL CAREER August 2000 – June 2002 August 1994 – June 2000 Upper secondary vocational school for business and administration at the Martin- Behaim- School in Darmstadt Intermediate secondary school in Darmstadt
MILITARY SERVICE June 2002 – March 2003German basic military service
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Since August 2011Student at the Martin- Behaim- School at the arts faculty business economics
ADVANCED TRAINING June 2008 – July 2008yesterday workmate – today manager
SPECIAL SKILLS ECDL certificate, Cambridge certificate English Level: FCE
WORK EXPERIENCE January July 2011 July December 2008 Key- Account Manager at the Hanky- Panky GmbH in Darmstadt Junior department chief of contract logistics at the Hanky- Panky GmbH in Darmstadt
WORK EXPERIENCE August June 2007 August July 2006 Dispatcher at the Mumbo Jumbo GmbH in Darmstadt Apprenticeship of logistics manager at the Mumbo Jumbo GmbH in Darmstadt
WORK EXPERIENCE April July 2003Express driver at the Mumbo Jumbo GmbH in Darmstadt
HOBBIES Only when they are in close contact with the target- job
AT LEAST THE SIGNATURE Darmstadt, den (signature) Maximilian Mustermann
Cover Page